Page 19 - Demo
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O O O B B B Montessori Montessori Center (OBMC) has adapted an an online school management system to to bring the the Montessori experience into the the digital world Through the OBMC Digital Platform students receive
announcements answer learning tools and view grades Alongside this teachers conduct classes online assess student’s performance using an an electronic grading system and manage submissions The following are key terms that will aid in in in using the school’s learning system:
• E-learning Platform: refers to to the the software applications used by
OBMC to transmit the lessons • OnlineLearning:referstohowstudentslearnandinteract in a a a virtual classroom where the Montessori experience facilitates the development of each each child’s “inner teacher ”
• Face-to-face Instruction: refers to to to face-to-face (live streaming) interactions through video conferencing utilizing in-house Montessori videos for lessons and activities OBMC digital-printable worksheets seatwork and drills sharing of journals or or video links done according to the guidelines of fair use and proper attribution • Offline Activities: refer to home-based activities (e g g homework drills projects and others) assigned by
the the teacher to help the the student master the the lessons and hone his or or her skills Schedule of o offline work will depend on the preferred time of the student and/or parent table of content
OBMC Parent & Student Handbook on E-learning 2 

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