Page 5 - Everyday Kitsap 2017
P. 5
Ask the Experts
We answer the questions you ask us
Q What part of the sewer Q I’ve seen some beautiful roadways (chip seal). By switching, we
rain gardens! How do I get
line is the homeowner’s
can reduce maintenance and operation
responsibility to maintain? one for my yard? costs. Our plan is to convert three
The building sewer line. This is the Rain gardens can be shaped and gravel roads per year—one in each road
sewer pipe that runs from the property sized to fit your needs, and help you district. Within the next 5 years we
line to the connection of the building or with your drainage while beautifying expect to have all the remaining gravel
home, typically a four-inch diameter. If your yard. There are programs available roadways replaced with chip seal.
your house or building is connected to to help homeowners who want to install Why is recycling required if
their own. In unincorporated areas of
the Kitsap County Sewer Utility, we can the County, you can get up to $1000 in Q you have curbside garbage
Tricky 10 no charge. Call Kitsap1 at 360.337.5777 reimbursements, as well as technical service?
help locate your building sewer line at
assistance, to install a rain garden or
for more information.
The simple answer is that Kitsap
other green stormwater solutions at County code directs that recycling
your home. To find out more, visit and garbage be provided as a suite of services. Rather than traditional
If you live within city limits, Rain garbage service, customers actually
Garden Mentors will visit your home, get a comprehensive materials
and provide free technical assistance at management service – even more so when customers subscribe to yard and
food waste collection, where available.
This setup ensures that all residents of
Kitsap County have access to curbside
recycling at a reasonable cost.
Q Why aren’t some plastics included with garbage service, there
For example, if recycling was not
accepted in the County
recycling program? is a possibility that on a street of 20
households, only 15 may have curbside
The plastics industry uses the recycling. The collection vehicle still
numbers inside the recycling symbols to passes by all 20 households, but only
identify specific resin types, which are collects ¾ of the available material.
related to the chemical make-up of the Most of the cost of collection
product. These symbols are NOT meant and processing of recyclables is in
to indicate a certain plastic is recyclable Q Why are some County transportation – either on collection
everywhere. Materials need to meet maintained roads routes, or during transportation to the
some basic conditions for acceptance unpaved? processor and end-user. Maximizing
at local recycling facilities. A market has route efficiency makes collection cost-
to exist to make the materials cost- The Roads Operation and effective, while also helping to achieve
effective to collect. The facility needs to Maintenance division maintains over Kitsap County’s waste reduction and
have the right equipment to handle the 900 miles of roadway. Of these, nine recycling goals.
material, and the material should not miles have gravel surfaces. These
pose a contamination risk. Finally, there roads—located mostly in rural areas—
needs to be a consistent supply for became part of the County road system
shredded paper sufficient volumes. long before there were defined road
Check out the What Do I Do With It? standards and when gravel surfaces
Why: Creates a mess at the sorting facility and online guide for recycling and disposing were permitted. The County’s goal is to
the fibers are too short to recycle. of household items at switch over all of the gravel roadway
Where it goes: surfaces to bituminous surface treated
Yard waste cart, backyard composter, or garbage. | Spring 2017 | pg 5