Page 2 - Kitsap County Voter Pamphlet 2019
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Voter Information
State Measures Write-Ins – Which Votes Can Be Counted
The Secretary of State’s Office will publish a voters’ pamphlet Write-in votes can only be counted if:
that includes all statewide measures. The state pamphlet will • The candidate filed a declaration of Write-in
be delivered by the U.S. Post Office to all households in Kitsap Candidacy, and;
County and is also available online at: • In a General Election there are enough write-in votes for a
General Election Ballot candidate to win, or in a Primary if there are enough votes for a
State measures will appear on the ballot followed by local candidate to come in second place.
offices and measures. Candidate Statements and
If a Primary was held, the two candidates that received the most Committee Arguments
votes in the Primary and received at least 1 percent of the votes The Local Voters’ Pamphlet includes statements submitted by
cast for that office appear on the General Election ballot. The candidates running for offices and committees regarding ballot
candidate that received the most votes in the Primary is listed measures. Statements and arguments printed in this pamphlet
first. Candidates that did not appear in the Primary are listed in are the opinions of the authors. The Auditor’s Office is not
the order determined by lottery draw. responsible for the content of statements or their factual and
Questions or Need a Replacement Ballot? grammatical accuracy.
If you have not received your ballot by Oct. 25 or if your ballot is Participating Jurisdictions
damaged or lost, a replacement may be obtained by calling the Districts participating in this Local Voters’ Pamphlet are:
Kitsap County Auditor – Elections Division at (360) 337-7128. City of Bainbridge Island, City of Bremerton, City of Port
Military, Overseas and Early Ballots Orchard, City of Poulsbo, Bremerton School District No.
100-C, Bainbridge Island School District No. 303, North Kitsap
If you are a military or overseas voter or if you believe your School District No. 400, Central Kitsap School District No. 401,
ballot will not be received in time to vote, you may request your South Kitsap School District No. 402, Bainbridge Island Fire
ballot be sent by email or request an early ballot up to 90 days Department, Central Kitsap Fire and Rescue, Kitsap County
before an election. Early ballots list only contests known at the Fire Protection District No. 18, North Kitsap Fire & Rescue,
time of the request. To request an email ballot or early ballot, South Kitsap Fire and Rescue, Port of Bremerton District No.
visit: or call the Kitsap County Auditor – 1, Port of Brownsville District No. 2, Port of Eglon District No.
Elections Division at (360) 337-7128. 4, Port of Illahee District No. 6, Port of Indianola District No. 7,
Additional information for military and overseas voters is available Port of Keyport District No. 8, Port of Kingston District No. 9,
from the Federal Voting Assistance Program at: Port of Manchester District No. 10, Port of Poulsbo District No.
Your Right to Privacy 12, Port of Silverdale District No. 14, Port of Tracyton District
No. 15, Port of Waterman District No. 16, Kitsap County Sewer
Every voter has the right to vote his or her ballot in secret. District No. 7, West Sound Utility District No. 1, Manchester
A person voting when he or she is not qualified, or falsely Water District No. 11, North Perry Water District No. 13,
signing the Voter Declaration, is a felony punishable by up to Sunnyslope Water District No. 15, Silverdale Water District No.
five years of imprisonment or a maximum fine of $10,000, or 16, Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District,
both imprisonment and fine. Village Green Metropolitan Park District.
Email or Faxed Ballots
You may request that a ballot be emailed or faxed to you by
contacting the Kitsap County Auditor’s Office. The ballot will
contain instructions on how to vote and return the ballot.
Register to Vote
Who May Vote When to Register
To be eligible to vote, one must register and be: Individuals may register to vote at any time. To vote in the
• A citizen of the United States. November 5 General Election, the deadlines are:
• A legal resident of the state of Washington. • October 28: Deadline for mail and online voter
• 18 years of age by the next election. registrations, updates and changes.
• Not under the authority of the Department of Corrections • November 5: In-person deadline for voter registrations,
for a Washington felony conviction. updates and changes. Citizens may register until 8 p.m. on
• Not disqualified from voting due to a court order. Election Day by appearing in person at the County Auditor’s
Office. Registration will also be available on Election Day at
How to Register the Vote Center on the Olympic College Poulsbo campus.
• Online at
• Complete a mail-in registration form available at libraries, city Name Change
halls, public schools, fire district offices and at the County If you have legally changed your name, you must complete a
Auditor’s Office. new voter registration application. Your new signature is used to
• When you renew your driver’s license. validate your ballot.
Update Your Voter Record if You Move To Cancel Your Voter Registration
If you are already registered to vote in Kitsap County, update You may sign a form requesting to cancel your registration. In
your voter record online at: through October the case of a deceased voter, a registered voter with personal
28. You may also email the Kitsap County Auditor – Elections knowledge the voter is deceased may sign a form authorizing
Division at or call 360-337-7128. a cancellation. The form is available by contacting the Kitsap
Address changes can be made in person until 8 p.m. on County Auditor’s Office.
Election Day at the Kitsap County Auditor’s Office and at the
Vote Center on the Olympic College Poulsbo Campus on
Election Day only. A new voter registration card will be mailed
after your address change is processed.