Page 35 - Kitsap County Voter Pamphlet 2019
P. 35
Ballot Measure
North Kitsap Fire & Rescue
Proposition No. 1 Explanatory Statement Prepared by the Attorney for
Emergency Medical Services Property Tax North Kitsap Fire & Rescue as prescribed by law.
Levy In 2013, the voters approved North Kitsap Fire and Rescue’s six-
year Emergency Medical Service (EMS) property tax levy at a rate
not to exceed $0.50 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation.
The Board of Fire Commissioners of North Kitsap Fire & Rescue The 2013 EMS levy will expire at the end of 2019 unless the voters
adopted Resolution No. 2019-13 concerning a property tax levy approve this measure. If approved by the voters, this measure will
to fund emergency medical services. Will North Kitsap Fire & authorize the renewal of the District’s six-year EMS levy at a rate
Rescue be authorized to continue funding emergency medical not to exceed $0.50 per thousand dollars of assessed valuation.
services for its citizens by continuing a regular property tax levy
of $0.50 or less per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation for each of Approval of the levy will enable the District to maintain the level of
six consecutive years, with collection starting in 2020? emergency medical services currently provided on a continuing
basis including basic and advanced life support services by certified
emergency medical technicians and paramedics.
□ Yes
The revenue from this levy will be used by the District exclusively for
□ No emergency medical services.
If voters approve this levy’s renewal, the maximum tax per
$100,000 assessed valuation would not exceed $50.00 per year or
approximately $4.17 per month for emergency medical services.
Argument For the Measure Argument Against the Measure
Vote “Yes” for EMS No argument submitted.
North Kitsap Fire and Rescue (NKF&R), your local emergency
medical services provider, is asking you to renew the current
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) property tax levy for six more
Renew the current EMS levy
This is not a new tax; for over 30 years, residents served by NKF&R
have strongly supported the department’s emergency medical
services and the levy that provides the majority of funding for first
response to medical incidents.
Continue essential funding for an important service
Approximately two-thirds of the department’s total responses involve
medical incidents. The EMS levy provides the resources necessary
to ensure that well-trained and equipped personnel are ready to
respond quickly to these calls in our community.
Renewal of the current expiring EMS levy will provide continued vital
funding for our community’s critically important response to heart
attacks, strokes, car crashes and other medical emergencies.
Vote “Yes” for EMS
Rebuttal to the Argument Against Rebuttal to the Argument For
No argument against the measure submitted for rebuttal. No rebuttal submitted
Argument prepared by Wilson Stewart, committee chair, Sonny No committee against formed for appointment.
Woodward and Jane Mack, committee members. Further questions
may be addressed by emailing committeeforproposition1.nkfr@
North Mason Regional Fire Authority
Bonds to Construct a New Headquarters Fire Station
For information visit Mason County Elections at:
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