Page 35 - MEDIA MONITORING JULY 13, 2018
P. 35

Friday 13 July 2018
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Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is ....... Send your picture with that text (including your name and where you are from) to: and we will publish your vacation memory. Isn’t that a special way to keep your best moments alive? Please do note: By submit- ting photos, text or any oth- er materials, you give per- mission to The Aruba Today
Newspaper, Caribbean Speed Printers and any of its affiliated companies to use said materials, as well as names, likeness, etc. for promotional purposes with- out compensation.
Last but not least: our new website is live, check it out please! Thank you for supporting our free news- paper, we strive to make you a happy reader every day.q
ORANJESTAD - Aruba To- day has a new Facebook page and website. We like to welcome you to our on- line community!
The cover picture of the Facebook page will show another picture of a lo- cal photographer every couple of months. We love culture and like to support our local talents, therefore
Aruba Today chooses to be a platform for showcas- ing art. Photographer Mi- chael-Anthony Fowler took the new cover picture of Aruba Today’s Facebook page, following the for- mer local talent that shot the cover picture: Anuar Habibe. Michael is a mul- titalented photographer who shoots weddings and families, but also made an
impressive series of drug/al- cohol addicts in the streets of Aruba. He has a creative mind with always a social twist. His style is very natural and pure.
Aruba To Me Is
We would also like to por- trait you! By inviting you to send us your favorite va- cation picture while en- joying our Happy Island.
The big To-Do about failing Caribbean airlift
Continued from Page 13
In July 2018, the Prime Min- ister of Barbados, reminded the attending Honourables at yet another summit that “The single domestic space for hassle intra-regional travel must be a place where we must start if we are serious about the sin- gle market and the single economy. It must be the place if we want the buy- in of our citizens.” She stat- ed that a single domestic space for hassle free travel pre-supposes a single do- mestic space for transpor- tation and that the Region could do better with re- spect to moving people between island to island and country to country.
In 2015, the Secretary Gen- eral of the Caribbean Tour- ism Organization (CTO) has urged regional authorities to institute an Open Skies policy. It would allow re- gional carriers to take un- limited flights to all CARI- COM member states and encourage the growth of competition among carri- ers, elimination of second- ary screening would en- courage greater demand for intra-regional travel. He spoke at the airline route development forum, “World Routes” in Durban, South Africa.
Already in 2006 a study was done for the same CTO, called ‘Caribbean Air Transport Study’ as part of the Caribbean Regional Sustainable Tourism Devel- opment Program. The main objective of the study was
to ‘assist the region in ratio- nalizing international and intra-regional air transport as a means of ensuring the sustainable development of the tourism sector’, or ‘how to develop and main- tain regional airlift capacity consistent with the sustain- able development of the tourism sector’. The study called for ‘Open Skies’ be- tween the various countries in the region. Most of the governments signed bilat- eral agreements with the USA because they want US airlines and passengers to come and visit. But ‘Open Skies’ among the Caribbe- an territories themselves? Fifteen years of ZZZzzzz and snoring!
Recently in 2018 at an in- dustry conference, the before mentioned Vincent Vanderpool-Wallace stat- ed that the Caribbean it- self is the major market for Caribbean airlift.
The Caribbean may not need any more stud- ies and committees, and meetings of Honourables, calling upon others to do something where they failed themselves to take the initiative for action. A ‘Summit-and-Do’ should be organized, whereby is nailed who will take the first step, what will be done, and a date of completion is set. Wouldn’t that be an honourable initiative for Honourables to agree on and stick to? In the mean- time, .... on and on it goes and where it ends no one knows. q

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