Page 36 - MEDIA MONITORING JULY 13, 2018
P. 36

Aruba Tourism Authority honored Patricia & Denise at Aruba Beach Club
return to Aruba not once, but twice a year, their Aruban families, friends, beaches and sunsets. Be- fore they leave Patricia purchases bags of dog food and goes around the
island with
various animal rescue cen- ters to feed the homeless dogs on the island and each time she takes one Aruban dog home for adoption.” q
Friday 13 July 2018
PALM BEACH ― Recently the Aruba Tourism Author- ity honored Goodwill Am- bassador and of Aruba as a token of appreciation for visiting the island for more than 22 years and more consecutive years. Hon- orees were: Mrs. Patricia & Ms. Denise Quadrel resi- dent of New Jersey Morris Plains.
Ms. Darline de Cuba repre- senting the Aruba Tourism Authority, and members
of Aruba Beach Club, Mrs. Farida Mansur & Mrs. Ida Pieternella Brete bestowed the certificate of the Am- bassadors and handed some presents to the hon- orees and thanked them for choosing Aruba as their vacation destination and as their home away from home for so many years on behalf of the Government of Aruba.
“Patricia and Denise Qua- drel have been coming
down to the Island for 22 consecutive years and staying at their “home away from home” The Aru- ba Beach Club. Through the years they have made lots of friends,
some who are now con- sidered family. A few years back Patricia got news that her “Aruban son” Jason was going to become a father and that they would like her to be godmother to their precious bundle of joy. Just one of the reason they

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