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                                        ‘X’ CHRONICLES NEWSPAPER

                                        Where Fact Is Fiction and Fiction Is Reality - Publishing Since 1990

         Vol. 34, No. 02        ISSN 1499-8599         A REL-MAR McConnell Media Company Publication - Digital Version              February  2023

            US Says China Balloon                        U.S. last weekend over the  Atlantic intelligence collection campaigns.”
                                                         Ocean.  The public details outlining the Republicans have criticized Biden for not
         Could Collect Intelligence
                                                         program’s scope and capabilities were acting sooner to down the balloon, but
                         Signals                         meant to refute China’s persistent denials both parties’ lawmakers came together on
                                                         that the balloon was used for spying, the vote, 419-0.
                                                         including a claim  Thursday that U.S.

        February 09, 2023 - WASHINGTON -                 accusations about the balloon amount to In Beijing, before the U.S. offered its new
        The China balloon shot down by the U.S.          “information warfare.”                           information, Chinese Foreign Ministry
        was equipped to detect and collect                                                                spokesperson Mao Ning repeated her
        intelligence signals as part of a huge,          President Joe Biden defended the U.S. nation’s insistence that the large
                                                         action.                                          unmanned balloon was a civilian
        military-linked       aerial    surveillance
        program that targeted more than 40                                                                meteorological airship that had blown off
        countries, the Biden administration              And, asked in an interview with Spanish course and that the U.S. had

        declared  Thursday, citing imagery from          language  Telemundo Noticias whether “overreacted” by shooting it down.
        American U-2 spy planes.                         the balloon episode represented a major
                                                         security breach, he said no.                     “It is irresponsible,” Mao said. The latest

        A fleet of balloons operates under the                                                            accusations, she said, “may be part of the
        direction of the People’s Liberation Army        “Look, the total amount of intelligence U.S. side’s information warfare against
        and is used specifically for spying,             gathering that’s going on by every China.”
        outfitted with high-tech equipment               country      around       the    world      is
                                                         overwhelming,” he said. “Anyway, it’s Underscoring the tensions, China’s
        designed to gather sensitive information
        from targets across the globe, the U.S.          not a major breach. I mean, look ... it’s a defense minister refused to take a phone
        said. Similar balloons have sailed over          violation of international law. It’s our call from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin
        five continents, according to the                airspace.  And once it comes into our to discuss the balloon issue on Saturday,

        administration.                                  space, we can do what we want with it.”          the Pentagon said. Secretary of State
                                                                                                          Antony Blinken canceled a planned

        A statement from a senior State                  On Capitol Hill, the House voted weekend trip to Beijing.
        Department official offered the most             unanimously to condemn China for a
        detail to date linking China’s military to       “brazen violation” of U.S. sovereignty
        the balloon that was shot down by the            and efforts to “deceive the international                           (Continued on Page 55)
                                                         community through false claims about its
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