Page 10 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 10
10 Alien Hoaxes
Alien 'Hoaxes' That Went
Viral From Roswell's
Flying Saucers to Mexican
& Australian X-Files
Dead alien found after UFO
sighting in Russia:
Two Russian men were out for a
walk in 2011 when they came across
what appeared to be a frozen corpse in
the snowy countryside near Irkutsk, in
eastern Siberia. But this wasn’t just any
old corpse – it was an alien, or was it?
Only a month earlier, villagers swore
they’d seen bright orange lights in the
sky. Could the two incidents be related?
Perhaps there had been an extraterrestrial
crash? Nyet. More than 12m people
viewed the YouTube video and police
investigated. It was at this point the men
sheepishly confessed: they’d actually
dog barks. Surely the video must be real? and brushing themselves off when one
made the ‘alien’ out of breadcrumbs and
A second video from the Dominican imploded. Police decided not to take
stuffed it into chicken skin as a practical
Republic seemed to provide independent action against the apprentices, with one
corroboration. The Los Angeles Times officer saying authorities were “taking it
decided to track down the videographer like gentlemen”.
and others who immediately re-posted
New Jersey spacecraft stops
the ‘evidence’ and got a swift response (Continued on Page 11)
traffic: from barzolff814 – aka Heather, a 17-
A large, threatening spacecraft year-old Irish girl who’d racked up 2.2m DEBUNKED: The Apollo Moon
crept slowly across New Jersey’s sky in YouTube hits (now 20m!): “Umm yeah. Landings Were FAKED
2020 and it wasn’t long before the Twitter Whatever. You people are stupid. Find
and TikTok videos went viral. The something better to do with your time. Twelve NASA astronauts walked on the
extraterrestrial ship with blue flashing And get a life.” The Times finally found moon between 1969 and 1972, and the
lights slowed traffic on the turnpike – the source, a professional animator Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has since
some people even got out of their cars to who’d spent 17 hours creating the UFO released photos of the landing sites. In the
take a better look. Turns out, a Goodyear videos on his MacBook and didn’t want decades since Apollo 11 astronauts first set
blimp was passing over New Jersey at the to reveal his name. It seems the animator foot on the moon, many theories have been
time, getting an aerial television shot of was just testing his work, thinking he put forward claiming that the whole Apollo
an NFL game at the MetLife Stadium, might get a few likes... program was staged. Why are there no stars
in the sky in the moonwalkers' photos?
just west of New York City. And yes, the Why are the U.S. flags fluttering on the
blimp came in peace. Six ‘spaceships’ land in England: surface? Why do you see footprints in the
Wiltshire in southwest England has pictures, but no marks from the lunar
UFO visits India: always been a draw for the alien modules that landed there?
A ‘spaceship’ hovering conspiracists – it is, after all, the home of
precariously close to buildings in Uttar the legendary Stonehenge, multiple crop The answers to those questions are simpler
Pradesh, in northern India, created panic circles and a UFO hotspot since the 17th than you may think. There are no stars in
the sky for the same reason you don't see
in 2016, with photos of the large object century. But even the locals were stars during the day on Earth, according to
spreading feverishly. The UFO astounded when six UFOs landed in NASA (opens in new tab): The bright glow
photographer quickly disappeared Wiltshire, London and four other of daylight on the surface washes them out.
(beamed up?) and the cell phone number locations across England in 1967,
couldn’t ever be traced. Despite the bleeping, hissing and triggering a major U.S. flags planted into the lunar soil had
mystery, experts decided the UFO was police and military response. The hoax metal rods sewn in them to appear as
probably created by an app, noting it bore was conjured up by the engineer though they were moving, according to
a striking resemblance to a UFO in the apprentices at the Royal Aircraft NASA (opens in new tab). Without these
wires, the flag would have hung straight
movie Independence Day. Establishment (later part of the Ministry down, making for a pretty lackluster photo
of Defense) who scattered them prop. And the lunar modules, though
UFOs terrify Haiti: overnight. The pranksters wanted to heavier, didn't put prominent marks in the
An eerie, realistic home video know if the government had a plan if surface in some places because their mass
captured 'UFOs' soaring over Haiti in aliens invaded. The Army responded by was more evenly distributed than the
astronauts' weight was in their boots.
2007. A woman can be heard gasping. A blowing up one saucer, dropping another