Page 39 - 2011 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - January 2011
P. 39
Youngest person to discover a supernova Youngest person to discover a supernova: 10- Year-Old Kathryn Gray set world record World Records Academy FREDERICTON, Canada--Kathryn Aurora Gray, 10, spotted an exploding star while looking at images of the night sky sent to her by an astronomer friend of the family - setting the world record for the Youngest person Photo: Ten-year-old Kathryn Gray sits next to a computer at the family's home in Birdton, New to discover a supernova. Brunswick, Canada, a suburb of Fredericton. On the computer monitor is an image in which she "I'm really excited. It feels really good," discovered a supernova. Photo: AP Photo/The Canadian Press, David Smith Gray told the Toronto Star. The find, formally named Supernova 2010lt, was announced by the Royal Nurse’s near-death Project looking at those who experience NDEs. Astronomical Society of Canada. research inspires Clint Many describe floating towards a calming, The previous Guinness world record for bright light, where they see relatives beckoning the Youngest person to discover a supernova Eastwood’s new film them, then telling them to “go back”. was set by Caroline Moore, a 14-year-old But one woman, who has since died, budding astronomer in Warwick, New York. Wales Online reported a “hell” experience of falling and being Guinness World Records also surrounded by frightening shapes and noises. Dr recognized The youngest person to have visited Satori said, however, most NDEs are positive. both geographical poles is Jonathan Silverman A FORMER intensive care unit nurse She said: “One man, whose life signs (USA) (b. 13 June 1990), who reached the has helped inspire a new Clint Eastwood movie completely went, later said he floated above his North Pole on 25 July 1999 and the South Pole which asks one of life’s biggest questions... is body. He described our attempts to revive him on 10 January 2002, aged 11 years 211 days. there life after death? in perfect detail, even talking about a doctor Supernova 2010lt is a magnitude-17 Dr Penny Sartori, from Swansea, was who came in while off-duty then left. supernova which resides within galaxy UGC awarded a PhD by the University of Wales, “The patient’s eyes were not even open 3378 which is 240 million light-years away. Lampeter, for researching the spooky world of when this happened and he was not only Supernovas are so bright compared to normal near-death experiences (NDEs) reported by unconscious he was clinically dead. The man stars they can be found using modest telescopes. patients at Morriston Hospital. described seeing a Jesus-like, bearded figure Kathryn's father, Paul Gray, is an Now it has emerged that the 39-year- standing next to his dead father. He said the amateur astronomer and was staring at the old’s work helped with the making of Hereafter, figure touched him on the hand. computer with his daughter when she spotted a Hollywood blockbuster on the subject. “The amazing thing was that this the supernova. The Eastwood-directed movie, out this patient, in his 50s, had suffered a life-long "She pointed at the spot," said Paul. weekend, is about people who have contacted contracture of the hand from birth – afterwards "She goes, 'What is that? Is that one?' I'm relatives during their own NDEs, starring Matt the movement returned to his hand.”[] thinking, 'That's quite possible.'" Damon as a psychic trying to help people Woman claims yogurt "A supernova is a star at the end of its communicate with them. life," said Kathryn. "It's actually a star blowing Dr Sartori said: “Hereafter will help sample tasted of semen up, ripping itself to pieces." bring NDEs into the public consciousness. Very The images were taken through a few patients volunteer the fact they have an ALBUQUERQUE - Albuquerque police telescope in the backyard observatory of NDE while seriously ill for fear of being said a supermarket worker accused of handing astronomer David Lane. ridiculed or not taken seriously. out a yogurt sample contaminated with semen Lane is a friend of the Gray family who “The movie will help further the debate was arrested on outstanding bench warrants. lives near Halifax and noted Kathryn's about what’s going on when people have these The Albuquerque Police Department said enthusiasm when she once visited his experiences which are often life-changing.” officers were called Tuesday to the Sunflower observatory. During her research, she placed playing Market by a woman who said store employee "She basically won the jackpot or the cards on top of wardrobes to see if patients who Anthony Garcia, 31, gave her a free yogurt lottery that night," said Lane. claimed to “float” over surgeons’ heads could sample contaminated with "bodily fluid," The Royal Astronomical Society of see them. No patients spotted the cards, but their KRQE-TV, Albuquerque, reported. The woman Canada has confirmed the discovery and says graphic reports of meeting dead relatives and, in told police she spit the sample out because it the supernova was found in a galaxy 240 light- one case, being dragged to hell by demons, tasted like sperm. Police said they are running years from Earth. convinced her their brains were working after tests on the sample. "We found where she The Royal Astronomical Society of being declared dead, before they recovered. basically spit out the possible evidence," Sgt. Canada (RASC) through Deborah Thompson She also found some patients could Trish Hoffman said. "As far back as I can was very proud of the achievement of the 10- remember what doctors were doing or saying at remember this is the first time that we've ever year old Canadian girl. times when instruments showed they were dealt with this." Investigators said Garcia was She said that it is 'fantastic that someone completely unconscious. arrested on two outstanding bench warrants, one so young would be passionate about astronomy'. As well as helping Warner Brothers, Dr of which was for failure to appear for an "What an incredible discovery. We're all very Sartori is taking a break from her nursing work arraignment on two counts of criminal sexual excited." Ms. Thompson added. in Swansea to write a book about her in-depth contact of a minor. [] Kathryn said she plans to keep looking research, for which she received ethical for supernovas, but she doesn't plan to be a approval from hospital bosses. The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show professional astronomer. She wants to be a She is also involved in Aware with teacher when she grows up. [] (Awareness During Resuscitation), a global Rob McConnell study launched by the Human Consciousness