Page 39 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - November 2013 Edition
P. 39
Return Again by by Georgina Cannon Georgina Cannon Past Life and Interlife Regression Real or a Metaphor? “With a journalism and corporate background, I’m not into the woo-woo of regression work” states Georgina Cannon, author, public speaker, clinician and hypnosis instructor. “Return Again is my third book about the regression work – and believe me, I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t see the practical impact on the current life and research findings coming out of it” For the past 17 years Cannon has been running Canada’s largest hypnosis school and clinic, now focussing on her writing, she recalls the power of the work. “In the Past Life Series I did for the CBC – PLI – Past Life Investigation, the researchers confirmed many of the lives of the 34 volunteers I worked with. And currently, my clients often verify the dates and events they experience in past lives. And even if they can’t, or don’t want to, the impact on their current life is profound and clarifying. Whether you call the journey’s Past Lives or a metaphor the mind makes up to give you the information – it really doesn’t matter – I’m very pragmatic about this - what matters is that your current life is enriched from the knowledge and awareness of what is learned.” Dr Cannon’s third book , RETURN AGAIN published by Red Wheel Weiser and is available at Amazon and local book stores. ABOUT DR GEORGINA CANNON : Dr. Georgina Cannon is an award-winning board certified clinical hypnotist and was the founder of the Ontario Hypnosis Centre, She is recognized as the “public face” of hypnosis in Canada and a respected member of the mainstream health community. Dr. Cannon has been a frequent guest in the media, and her work and views have gained her prominence as a frequent source for news and feature articles on hypnosis and alternative therapies. Before starting her hypnosis career in 1997, Georgina Cannon was the Managing Director, Senior Vice President of Burson-Marsteller Canada, responsible for the four offices in Canada and prior to that, the founder and General Manager of its spin-off, Cohn & Wolfe public relations. Georgina spent 23 years in corporate communications and journalism before making the decision to change careers. Dr. Cannon is a regular public speaker and a featured lecturer at the University of Toronto’s School of Social Work. Dr. Cannon has participated in Grand Rounds at Toronto hospitals, where she lectured to psychiatrists, physicians, nurses and social workers in the healing powers of hypnosis and regression work. Dr. Cannon has written and produced 25 self-hypnosis compact discs, 4 on line training DVD’s.
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