Page 18 - 200811 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - November 2011
P. 18
18 Building A Secret Air Force 18 Building A Secret Air Force The Switchblade Fighter The Switchblade Fighter Bombing Configuration The Switchblade Fighter employs a unique forward sweeping wing mechanism that enables the aircraft to become an advanced attack aircraft capable of precision weapons delivery, super maneuverability (for air combat) and MACH 3 dash capability.With its wings swept perpendicular to its body, the Switchblade can fly at lower speeds to drop bombs precisely on their targets. With its wings swept farther forward, the aircraft becomes extremely maneuverable for aerial combat.When the wings are swept fully forward, the trailing edge of the wing becomes the leading edge, and the Switchblade can dash away at speeds up to Mach 3. The Switchblade can carry out multiple Mach 3 Wing missions just by reconfiguring itself in flight. Configuration BUILDING A SECRET To meet these problems, the panel problems relating to its credibility. (36) BUILDING A SECRET AIR FORCE : The recommended that the National Security The 1950s: Fading CIA Interest in AIR FORCE : The Council debunk UFO reports and institute a The 1950s: Fading CIA Interest in CIA's Role in the Study policy of public education to reassure the public UFOs CIA's Role in the Study UFOs of the lack of evidence behind UFOs. It of UFOs suggested using the mass media, advertising, After the report of the Robertson panel, of UFOs Continued from Page 17 business clubs, schools, and even the Disney Agency officials put the entire issue of UFOs on Continued from Page 17 corporation to get the message across. Reporting at the height of McCarthyism, the the back burner. In May 1953, Chadwell The charge to the panel was to review panel also recommended that such private UFO transferred chief responsibility for keeping the available evidence on UFOs and to consider groups as the Civilian Flying Saucer abreast of UFOs to OSI's Physics and Electronic the possible dangers of the phenomena to US Investigators in Los Angeles and the Aerial Division, while the Applied Science Division national security. The panel met from 14 to 17 Phenomena Research Organization in continued to provide any necessary support. January 1953. It reviewed Air Force data on Wisconsin be monitored for subversive (37) Todos M. Odarenko, chief of the Physics UFO case histories and, after spending 12 hours activities. (33) and Electronics Division, did not want to take studying the phenomena, declared that The Robertson panel's conclusions were on the problem, contending that it would require reasonable explanations could be suggested for strikingly similar to those of the earlier Air too much of his division's analytic and clerical most, if not all, sightings. For example, after Force project reports on SIGN and GRUDGE time. Given the findings of the Robertson panel, reviewing motion-picture film taken of a UFO and to those of the CIA's own OSI Study Group. he proposed to consider the project "inactive" sighting near Tremonton, Utah, on 2 July 1952 All investigative groups found that UFO reports and to devote only one analyst part-time and a and one near Great Falls, Montana, on 15 indicated no direct threat to national security file clerk to maintain a reference file of the August 1950, the panel concluded that the and no evidence of visits by extraterrestrials. activities of the Air Force and other agencies on images on the Tremonton film were caused by Following the Robertson panel findings, UFOs. Neither the Navy nor the Army showed sunlight reflecting off seagulls and that the the Agency abandoned efforts to draft an much interest in UFOs, according to Odarenko. images at Great Falls were sunlight reflecting NSCID on UFOs. (34) The Scientific Advisory (38) off the surface of two Air Force interceptors. Panel on UFOs (the Robertson panel) submitted (31) its report to the IAC, the Secretary of Defense, Continued on Page 25 The panel concluded unanimously that the Director of the Federal Civil Defense there was no evidence of a direct threat to Administration, and the Chairman of the national security in the UFO sightings. Nor National Security Resources Board. CIA could the panel find any evidence that the officials said no further consideration of the objects sighted might be extraterrestrials. It did subject appeared warranted, although they find that continued emphasis on UFO reporting continued to monitor sightings in the interest of might threaten "the orderly functioning" of the national security. Philip Strong and Fred Durant government by clogging the channels of from OSI also briefed the Office of National communication with irrelevant reports and by Estimates on the findings. (35) CIA officials inducing "hysterical mass behavior" harmful to wanted knowledge of any Agency interest in the constituted authority. The panel also worried subject of flying saucers carefully restricted, THE ‘X’ ZONE RADIO SHOW that potential enemies contemplating an attack noting not only that the Robertson panel report AND on the United States might exploit the UFO was classified but also that any mention of CIA THE ‘X ZONE TV SHOW phenomena and use them to disrupt US air sponsorship of the panel was forbidden. This ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON defenses. (32) attitude would later cause the Agency major iTUNES
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