Page 4 - 200811 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - November 2011
P. 4
4 Searching for the Truth 4 Searching for the Truth Government Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico Government ALIEN LAUGHS Underground Secrecy with a United States Patent Office date of ALIEN LAUGHS Underground Secrecy September 26, 1972 Continued from Page 3 Continued from Page 3 $1,000 on sex calls! So that’s Senate and House of Representatives, who you’re been phoning! along with their top aides would have been evacuated to this facility. It contained 18 dormitories with bunk beds, a 12 bed medical clinic, self-contained power plant, water purification plant, and a "crematorium." There was a television studio with a backdrop of the United States capital on the wall where lawmakers could have addressed their constituents, had any of those constituents survived above ground to watch television. In Many other facilities are known to exist, 1995 the Greenbrier facility was opened to and you have the assurance of our government public tours, and I have not yet located a new that with the use of our tax dollars, our facility for our lawmakers, but I'm sure there is government and military leaders are at least one. protected even if we are not, and in most cases Many of the facilities constructed in the their purpose, cost and location will be denied, Well the good 1950's were primarily for the protection of our or attempted to remain in secrecy. [] news is that she leaders in the event of a nuclear war. Today is pregnant! many of the secret military facilities not only in ABOUT THE AUTHOR the United States, but in other countries as well have been required to go underground because As a young man, Dennis Balthaser of the many foreign satellites circling the earth would look into the night sky and wonder at the that are so technically advanced that they can secrets it held. Some years later Dennis bought read a newspaper from 200 miles above the a book about UFOs and his wonder turned to earth. Very little can remain secretive on the investigation. Today he has a library with over surface anymore. Military facilities are no 90 books in reference to ufology. longer limited exclusively to underground Dennis served 3 years ('59-62) with the locations either, as the Navy has been evolving United States Army in the 815th Engineering underwater locations with huge manned bases Battalion. offshore for several years, of which not as much After some 33 years in Civil information has been forthcoming. Engineering, Dennis retired from the Texas Department of Transportation in 1996. Having Musko Naval Base been keenly interested in the Roswell Incident of 1947, Dennis decided to move to Roswell, New Mexico, to pursue his avocation: Ufology. Initially Dennis worked as an Engineering Consultant in Roswell, volunteering his time at the International UFO Museum and Research Center on weekends. Nine months later he resigned from the engineering firm, assuming the duties of IUFOMRC Operations Manager, served on the Board of Directors and became the UFO Investigator for the Museum, as a full time volunteer. During WWII, Sweden had an elaborate Due to his love of ufology, his Naval facility build into the side of a mountain, dedication and his exhaustive work, Dennis is with water access, known as the Musko Naval regarded as a leading investigator and ufologist Base, consisting not only of dry docks for ships by his peers, communicating regularly with and submarines, but the whole base was built such well known researchers as Stanton into the side and under the mountain. It Friedman, Donald R. Schmitt, Wendy contained repair factories, a hospital with a Connors, and others in their quests to find the thousand beds, dining rooms and barracks. truth. Currently, in that Dennis is no longer affiliated with the Museum, he is able to devote My civil engineering background was aroused when I started researching underground his full time as an independent facilities, and I quickly learned that the researcher/investigator to the Roswell Incident, equipment and personnel required to build some Area 51 and underground bases research, and of these elaborate underground complexes is frequently lectures on these and other topics, readily available. Several types of tunnel boring related to ufology. equipment sometimes referred to as TBM's have Dennis is a Certified Mutual UFO been manufactured by companies like Bechtel, Network Field Investigator, a member of Great the Robbins Company, and Dawn Engineering, Pyramid of Giza Research Association, and as well as several foreign equipment belongs to several ufology organizations. manufacturers. They vary greatly in size and can be of the "gouging" type, flame cutters and nuclear, the latter being developed at Los Website: Email:
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