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September 2010_june_july_2009.qxd 29/09/2010 10:59 PM Page 1 THE ‘X’ CHRONICLES NEWSPAPER Planet Earth’s ONLY Paranormal / Parapsychology Newspaper Vol. 15, No 09 ISSN - 1499-8599 (E-dition) / ISSN - 1499-8602 (CD-ROM) SEPTEMBER 2010 $4.95(US) VATICAN BANK MONEY LAUNDERING EXCLUSIVE BROADCAST ON THE ‘X’ ZONE RADIO SHOW 8 DAYS BEFORE MAKING INTERNATIONAL NEWS HEADLINES! Vatican Bank Money system of its employees and assets earmarked Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, was charged as an for charity. accessory in the bankruptcy scandal but was Laundering Exclusive The bank, a private entry, is suspected of never prosecuted. He died in 2006. Eight days prior to the world wide Broadcast on The ‘X’ failing to identify the source of $30 million that headlines and the details of the Vatican bank it was transferring to a branch of the American Zone Radio Show 8 Days financial giant J.P. Morgan in Frankfurt, money laundering scandal, on Monday, Germany and to the Italian institution Banca del September 13, in the third segment of The ‘X’ Before Making Fucino, according to Italy’s ANSA news Zone Radio Show, Robert W Morgan, author of International News agency. In a statement released on Tuesday, Citizen Spy: Vatican Cover-Up: The Mob, Money-Laundering and Murder was my guest. Headlines! September 21, the Vatican expressed “puzzlement and wonder” over the charges and said it maintains “full confidence” in the banks administrators. “The necessary information is already available at the relevant office of the Bank of Italy, and similar transactions commonly take place with other Italian banks,” it said. The Vatican, which is eager to avoid controversy after being rocked by the Robert W Morgan - Author pedophile-priest scandals, stressed that it is Citizen Spay: Vatican Cover-Up: The Mob, working with the Organization for Economic Money-Laundering and Murder Cooperation and Development to achieve the highest level of transparency. During his one hour interview (which is By Rob McConnell In the 1980’s, the bank made headlines available at Morgan over its involvement in one of Italy’s biggest spoke of the methods used in laundering mob fraud cases, the collapse of Milan’s Banco money through Banco Ambrosiano, the Vatican Hamilton, Ontario: The world was stunned on Tuesday, September 21, 2010, to find out that Ambrosiano, which lent more than $1 billion to Bank in Italy - a full 8 days before any other Italian prosecutors were investigating the companies in Central America the existed media source had the story. Vatican Bank for violation of anti-money- mostly on paper. The Vatican had backed the An ‘X’ Zone exclusive! laundering regulations and authorities had loans with letters of credit. Robert W. Morgan's career as a frozen $30 million in the banks assets. The head of Banco Ambrosiano, Robert promising young filmmaker gained the interest Two Vatican Bank officials that are Calvi, who was known as “God’s Banker” of the top members of the American Mafia and under investigation were identified as Ettore because of his ties to the Vatican, fled to actions he performed on their behalf won their Gotti Tedeschi and Paolo Cipriani, the chairman England and was found hanging from a bridge trust. As an up-and-coming writer/director, they and director generator of the Institute for in London in 1982. knew he had sold his first four screenplays to Religious Works, popularly known as the The Vatican bank insisted that it had Ivan Tors Studios; he had written, produced, and Vatican Bank. The Vatican Bank is responsible done nothing wrong, but agreed to pay $250 directed Bloodstalkers; and had a feature-length for managing the Holy See’s funds, the pension million to Ambrosiano’s creditors.The then president of the Vatican bank, American (Continued on Page 2)