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NewYeaarsEdition200912_june_july_2009.qxd 16/12/2009 2:32 PM Page 21 21 Psychic Predictions for 2010 21 Psychic Predictions for 2010 PSYCHIC "Orlando Bloom, Kiefer Sutherland and Kate - Tragedy at an oil rig. PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS FOR Winslett are the actors to watch in 2010. Their - A shooting in Copenhagen, Denmark in a PREDICTIONS FOR popular shopping area - many people injured projects will boost their already large talents to 2010 another level." - TeriLynn and killed. 2010 - A terrorist attack in Germany. BY PSYCHICS WHO Several psychics see a long, expensive divorce - A terrorist attack in British Columbia. BY PSYCHICS WHO HAVE BEEN ON for Brangelina, and cite July as a turning point. - An oil spill destroys the Mississippi River. HAVE BEEN ON - Trouble at the Golden Gate Bridge in San "There will be rumors that Brad Pitt is sneaking THE ‘X’ ZONE! around with another woman -- a blonde." Francisco, California. THE ‘X’ ZONE! - A mysterious insect will kill the corn crop in - Shauna Continued from Page 19 Iowa, USA. Continued from Page 19 "Brad will eventually suffer a serious financial - A huge breakthrough in the cure for Diabetes Intuitions & People setback as the fight over the children becomes through stem cell research. Intuition will be respected more and will drawn out and complicated." - Alison - A bridge collapses in China killing thousands. join forces with logic. This means the two ways - A fire at the home of the Wall Street Journal. of thinking will be joined to achieve the best "Jennifer Aniston will become a mother." - - A commercial airliner crashes over the state of possible results. Rondalafay Arizona. - A plane will be hijacked at Toronto Social, Personal & Environmental 2010 Effects "Sarah Palin will continue to be much talked International Airport. People will be more emotionally and gossiped about. She will be offered her own - Two cruise ships will collide in the Caribbean. available and open to creative change on talk show in 2010, but it won't be successful." - - Passing of Fidel Castro. personal, social and environmental levels. Donna - A very large earthquake in Seattle, Washington destroying a lot of landmarks and killing many Integrity & Ethics "Miley Cyrus will be involved in another not- people. Ethics will be scrutinized. It will be so-innocent scandal. This one will be minor, but - Many rare white lions will be found in Africa. crucial, to uphold integrity on every level. This it will have major repercussions on her career." - A major coffee chain will go bankrupt. is a major challenge and we must rise to meet it. - Skylar - A tragedy in the Rain Forest around a swinging bridge. Spiritual & Material Rewards Tiger Woods and his wife Elin will stay together - A blimp exploding over a stadium. There will be growth in the economy overcoming the huge scandal and disappointed - Danger around President Barack Obama. (material rewards) and also in the aspirations fans… and will continue to have big wins on the - Assassination attempt against President and hopes of people (spiritual rewards). golf course."- Lucrecia Barack Obama. - Assassination of Barack Obama. Spirits & Ecstasy Of 2010 "Britney Spears will walk down the aisle again - Yet another sex scandal in Washington, DC. Spirits will lift. There will be more in 2010 several psychics predict. "This new - More exotic insects in fruits and vegetables lightness of being, play and even ecstasy. mate is more harmonious, but not a soulmate. which are imported attacking people. People will feel less burdened and more But this new union will teach her patience and - President Sarkozy of France in danger. rejuvenated. self-worth, if she treats it with care and - Tragedy at the Grand Canyon. commitment." - Shauna - Trouble on the Paris subway. 2010 Predictions & Expectations - Giant earthquake in California. All in all, we will see more balance Basketball star Shaquille O'Neal and television - Giant earthquake in Los Angeles, San between men, women, intuition, logic, hard personality Ben Stein will star in a hilarious Francisco and San Diego. science, soft nurturing, work / play, mental comedy together." - Lucrecia - A devastating earthquake in Rome and Naples, focus and emotional intelligence. Italy. "Dennis Cooper, poet and author of Ugly Man, - A shark kills a famous Australian athlete. God, Jr…. will win the Nobel Prize for - A fire at the famed Redwood Forest north of CALIFORNIA Literature." - Lucrecia San Francisco, California. CALIFORNIA PSYCHICS NIKKI - Danger around the Dahlia Lama. PSYCHICS NIKKI - Trouble and explosion at the Ambassador PSYCHIC TO THE - A famous Las Vegas casino hotel will burn to "Movies and television shows with storylines PSYCHIC TO THE Bridge. that promote the ideas of higher spiritual STARS the ground. STARS consciousness will become a big trend as we - Former US President Jimmy Carter has to move into the transformational year 2012. More watch his health. series like V will be used as a platform for World Predictions - A terrorist attack in Dubais. audiences to understand that we are not alone in - Serious injuries to a Hollywood movie star on the Universe." - Alison - Trouble on the moons surface and atmosphere. an amusement ride at a theme park. - A hostage taking incident at a New York City - A person from the world of fashion will perish "Larry King will be the first person to interview bank. in a plane crash. an extraterrestrial visitor on his talk show." - - An avalanche at Whistler, B.C. - A cure for the disease Lupus. Lucrecia - The Lost City of Atlantis will be found. - A plane crashes at a major airport because of a - More ancient Mummies will be found in computer glitch and problems. The Lovely Bones, the story of a young girl who Egypt. - A disease will kill maple trees. watches over her family and her killer from - Treasure from a Spanish Galleon Ship will be - An ocean liner will sink like the Titanic. heaven, will be nominated for an Academy found under the sea. - More arm and leg transplants being successful. Award in the Best Picture category." - - A worldwide power blackout. - A ferry boat will capsize with many people on Rondalafay - A tsunami in Japan. board. - Reptiles invading El Passo, Texas. - Air Force One will be hijacked. "An overwhelmingly large show of support for - Another shooting, this time at a US Naval - Washington, DC. On fire. the environment as well as politics will come Base. - Pirates will hijack a cruise ship and kill some from celebrities, many of whom will step out of - A terrorist attack at Edwards Airforce Base. people on board. their comfort zone, with the understanding that - A fire on Broadway in New York. - A famous Hollywood actor will be held for this is a crucial time to help motivate change in - A famous castle will burn to the ground. ransom. both arenas." - Jacqueline ext. 9472 - Giant bats will attack a city in South America. (Continued on Page 24)