Page 15 - 201205 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - May 2012
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Lost Powers Lost Powers Continued from Page 14 Paranormal powers Some of the powers claimed by shamans are familiar to modern students of the paranormal. The experience of flight out of the body and of “seeing” places at a distance is generally equivalent to out-of-body experiences and clairvoyance. The shaman’s healing practices are in many ways akin ot those of Western faith healers, and the trance state of a shaman is similar to that of some spiritualist mediums that anthropologists habitually refer to the trance- inducing tribal gatherings as “seances.” There is a far higher proportion of shamans in tribal society than psychics in modern industrial societies. Among the Jivaro tribe, to take an extreme example, one in four males is a shaman. One possible explanation of this is that modern human beings may have lost touch with the more irrational, instinctive, and spiritual side of their nature.Living in a scientific and rational world, they have perhaps suppressed when prophesying as the god spoke through her. claiming to have gained special insight into the their psychic abilities. Just as the human sense Although evidence from so ancient a time is history of Atlantis through their paranormal of smell has declined in importance because hard to examine and assess, it seems clear that powers. people depend instead on their sense of sight, so the priestess tho related the predictions of the In the 1880’s Madame Helena psychic powers, if they exist, may have oracles were what we would call “mediums” or Blavatsky, the somewhat suspect founder of the atrophied through lack of use, ignored by the “psychics.” The often unintelligible utterances Theosophical Society, challenged Darwin’s rational self. If this view is correct, then of the Pythia at Delphi were translated into theory of evolution by suggesting that several prehistoric man, living well before the age of verse by priests of the oracle. The kings and races once lived on earth, among them the science and reason,may well have been more in emperors who sent to ask the oracle for Atlanteans. English occultist Walter Scott- touch with the powers of the mind than we are information about the future often received a Elliott worked with Madame Blavatsky on today. totally ambiguous answer, which they had to developing her unorthodox theories and he In the 1950’s an Australian psychic interpret as best they could. The practical claimed to have used clairvoyant vision to researcher, Ronald Rose, set out to test this uselessness of so many of the oracle’s discover that Atlantis was occupied by various hypothesis by subjecting aborigines to rigorous prophecies tends, of course, to encourage a tribes, including aboriginals who stood 10 to 12 ESP and PK experiments of the kind pioneered skeptical view of the whole business. But much feet tall. Scott-Elliot’s complex account of by Dr. J.B. Rhine at Duke University. Rose of what we know of the oracle at Delphi and racial evolution over many thousands of years described the subjects of his tests as other oracles is not inconsistent with what some includes the claim that among the inventions of semicivilized - in other words, they had researchers believe about psi. There were Atlantean scientists were aircraft that could take abandoned their traditional way of life and occasions, for example, when the oracle off vertically and were directed by mind power. largely adopted white Australian customs. But answered a question before it was put, In order to expand on the Theosophists’ Rose felt that they were still close enough, in suggesting perhaps a telepathic reading of th discoveries regarding Atlantis, Rudolph Steiner, evolutionary terms, to their primitive ancestors inquirer’s mind. founder of the Anthroposophical Society, is to make the experiment worthwhile. The PK Many famous stories are reported from purported to have consulted the Akashic experiments turned out to be a total failure, with ancient times, especially the rulers attempting to Records, a register of everything that has ever worse results than those usually obtained by the test the psychic powers of the oracles, In about happened to humankind. (The precise location Americancollege students often used by psychic A.D. 100, the Roman emperor Trajan is said to @7 D96C6 B64@B5C B6>2:?C 2 >ICD6BI K)D6:?6B researchers. But in the ESP experiments, have set a test for the oracle of Jupiter at believed that the Atlanteans used a “life force” performed with cards, 7 out of 12 aborigines Baalbek in Syria (now in the Lebanon.) This to power their aircraft and healed the sick recorded scores significantly better than chance. oracle was famous for its ability to read through the use of magic words. In prehistoric times human beings were messages in a sealed container. To trick the Is all this just wild speculation? Not for more in touch with their psychic powers than oracle, Trajan sent to Baalbek blank tablets of the various people who believed they were today, it is not surprising that a strong faith in stone in a sealed box, asking for an answer to Atlanteans in previous lives, because of such powers persisted in the early civilizations the questions written on them. The oracle sent personal readings they received in the early of Greece and Rome. In ancient Greece belief in back the box, with the seal unbroken, and an 1940’s from the famous trance clairvoyant and the divinatory ability of oracles was almost answer - a blank sheet of papyrus. [] healer Edgar Cayce. In his descriptions of those universal, shared by the common people and lives Cayce spoke of inventions that were in use kings and potentates alike. Delphi was the site "0- ! A!6+1-:? in Atlantis, one of which was very similar to of the most famous oracle, that of Apollo. today’s laser beam. Continued from Page 13 The most likely geographical position of Prophetic trance Atlantis is in the Aegean, since archeological The Delphic oracle’s prophecies were expressed But according to Plato, when the people of evidence suggests that the myth was inspired by through a priestess known as the Pythia, or Atlantis began to lose their love of wisdom and the Greek island of Thera (now known as pythoness, an uneducated woman who uttered virtue and started to become greedy, corrupt, Santorini), which was devastated, but not prophecies while in a trance. Her state of trance and domineering, Zeus, god of gods, decided to completely destroyed, by a huge volcanic was probably induced by a series of ritual punish them and collected all the gods together eruption in 1500 B.C. Its people had close ties actions - sitting in the seat of the god Apollo, “and spoke as follows....” with Minoan Crete, and there are remarkable nibbling a laurel leaf, surrounded by the smoke And there, tantalizing, Plato’s story cultural similarities between Crete at that time of powerful incense. Like a medium ends. He never completed his trilogy. But others and Plato’s descriptions of Atlantis. Thus communicating with a spirit-being in a seance, have attempted to build on his story ever since, Plato’s account may have had some basis in the Pythia took on a completely different voice and none more so than certain occultists fact. []