Page 2 - 201205 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - May 2012
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The End of UFOlogy Is At Hand In This Edition of The End Of UFOlogy Is "0- B&C (65- ),16 A"$ !06= The ‘X’ Chronicles At Hand with Rob McConnell Newspaper Continued from Page 1 *96 L.M /@?6 (25:@ K*, )9@G :C 962B5 #@?52I B:52I 7B@> KD@ #K 2CD6B? 2?5 D96? D96 - serious problems signing the petition. From C9@G :C B6A62D65 :? :DC 6?D:B6DI 7B@> #K # MAY 2012 - 48 Pages early December forward PRG received many on the ‘X’ ZONE BROADCAST NETWORK complaints from people having great difficulty family broadcast of affiliates throughout world on These are just SOME of the stories and signing the DP II TelStar 12 America, TelStar 12 Europe, Galaxy XI, articles in this edition of - petition fatigue. The "We the People" IntelSat 801, NSS-K, PAS-1R, Atlantic Bird 2, II- THE ‘X’ CHRONICLES NEWSPAPER project is now five months old and many are a F4,and Agilia 2.We also deliver The ‘X’ Zone Radio bit weary of being prompted to sign petitions. 2?5 *,K)9@G D@ 3B@2542CD6BC 2?5 C2D6==:D6 - media coverage of the "We the People" programmers via a secure and encrypted FTP server. Page 01: The End of UFOlogy Is At Hand. project and submitted petitions has decreased Page 03: Top 4 ‘X’ Zone Videos substantially. !64- B&C (65- ..131):-9 )9: A 8-9-5: Page 04: Ufology’s Jersey Shores In an email to Bassett earlier this Page 05: Mayan Calendar Myth Hoax evening, I said, "It would seem that the world KKRP AM 950 - Oklahoma &286 K#2I2 H9:3:D :CA6=C #ID9C wide interest is based on the 'disinformation' AM 1590 WPUL - Daytona Beach FL #K ! (% = &2C@ *. Page 06: Abducted by Sasquatch being spread by the UFO community itself. In AM 1600 KOHI - St. Helens OR Page 06: Blobs and Globsters my opinion - it is not the government who is AM 1350 KCHR - Charleston MO Page 07: Do Alien Spacecraft Exist? suppressing the information on UFOs but the AM 1400 WZNG - Shelbyville / Nashville TN &286 K&@G6B @7 D96 #:?5 K&@G6B )@EB46 UFO community who is claiming that the TalkStar 840 - Titusville, Orlando, Mims FL Page 10: Riddle of the Sphinx government is suppressing the information as a #K -# . (@496CD6B $ Page 11: Mysteries of the Mind ploy not to have to provide evidence for their #K !$*) @9? 2I %( Page 12: The Brain at Work vague and un substantiated UFO claims." AM 1330 WELW - Cleveland OH Page 13: Mind or Brain? Bassett has yet to reply. #K !) ! &:DDC3EB89 !) &286 *96 &) K)@4:6DI In a move to try and keep the UFO / AM 1510 WDRF - Woodruff SC &286 K"@CD &@G6BC government conspiracy momentum going and #K !% K )D 6=6?C %( &286 K#:?5 %F6B #2DD6B to keep stirring the political pot, Bassett has not FM 104.7 KEIF, Enid, OK &286 K":?52 )D2B -@=7 launched a new petition, Disclosure Petition III AM 1320 WARL - New Bedofrd, MA FM 99.1 KRUP - Dillingham, AK &286 K#28?6D:4 *96@BI - Nuclear Weapons Tampering. AM 1150 KHRO - El Paso, TX Page 18: Animal Power The new Disclosure Petition III - AM 1590 WPUL - Daytona Beach, FL &286 K"@@<:?8 7@B &B@@7 @7 )& Nuclear Weapons Tampering - is calling .K :=6C &2B2?@B>2= $6DG@B< &286 K*6?D24=6C @7 62D9 attention to extraordinary claims and allegations America Talk Radio Page 21: Ancient Builders from former ranking members of the United UKHDRadio Page 22: Prism Publishing States Air Force. It is part of the White House's EURO-HDRadio Page 23: Rented Silence #K !%, !6=@G?2 &286 K'E6CD 7@B D96 @=I B2:= "We the People" project. #K ( %DD2G2 %$ &286 K :D=6B 2?5 D96 "2?46 On September 27, 2010 at the National AM 920 CJCH - Halifax NS Page 27: REL-MAR Internet Services Press Club in Washington, DC a press #K "- )D &2E= Page 28: The Riddle of the Sphinx conference was held in which testimony #K ) )G2? "2<6 # Page 29: Healing the Psyche regarding incidents of weapons tampering by FM 90.1 CHMZ - Tofino, BC Page 30: If You Ever Need Me unidentified craft was presented to the media. #K ##K +4=E6=6D Page 31: The Patagonian Lake Monster Those former members of the USAF who were #K &, &6>36BD@? Page 32: The Mermaid Mystery present, making the extraordinary claims and AM 1620 WDHP - Frederikstead USVI Page 32: Flawed Deities allegations include self-proclaimed witnesses +!K :89 67:?:D:@? (25:@ Page 33: The Age of Ananda were all former U. S. Air Force personnel and 27 Asian Countries, Including... Page 34: Come Back to Life included Lt. Col. Dwynne Arneson, Capt. Bruce The Philippines Page 35: Dreams of Lemuria Fenstermacher, Col. Charles Halt, Capt. Robert China Page 36: New Visions Hong Kong &286 @5I )@E= )A:B:D HA@ K*@B@?D@ Jamison, Patrick McDonough, 1st Lt. Jerome Taiwan &286 @5I )@E= )A:B:D HA@ K*@B@?D@ Nelson, and Capt. Robert Salas. According to Korea Page 39: Snippets from the Trenches PRG's recent press release, most of these Africa Page 40: Genesis Grid witnesses have held high security clearance. India &286 @5I )@E= )A:B:D HA@ K*@B@?D@ This is the second time that these people Europe &286 B "K*EB: have tried to get more than their 5 minutes of STAR CABLE - Asia &286 @5I )@E= )A:B:D HA@ K*@B@?D@ fame and glory, which again failed miserably. &286 K ??6B #:B24=6C Once again, let's look at the numbers The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show and The ‘X’ Zone TV Page 45: The ‘X’ Zone Book of Triviology and see why people are not taking these claims Show is now available at Apple iTunes! Page 46: Upside Down World seriously: &286 @5I )@E= )A:B:D HA@ K*@B@?D@ Our past shows are available at Page 48: Planet X: The Sign of the Son of Man Continued on Page 3 The ‘X’ Chronicles Newspaper is published by REL-MAR The ‘X’ Zone TV Show McConnell Media Company. The contents of this material are KHPK CH 28 - Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas K @AIB:89D 3I ( " # ( #4 @??6== #65:2 WBQP CH 12 (Cable 75) - Pensacola, Florida Company and may not be copied or reprinted in whole or in part without the express written consent of the publisher. All WBCF CH 3 - Florence/Muscle Shoals, Alabama opinions, comments or statements of fact expressed by Rob WXLF CH 5 - Florence/Muscle Shoals, Alabama McConnell's guests are strictly their own and are not to be KWVT CH 52 (Cable 7) - Salem, Oregon construed as those of or in any manner endorsed by REL-MAR WDRL CH 24 (digital 41) - #4 @??6==K#65:2 @>A2?I (@3 #4 @??6== *96 L.M 9B@?:4=6C $6GCA2A6B *96 L.M /@?6 (25:@ K*,K)9@G :DC Roanoke/Lynchburg, Virginia affiliated stations or employees or advertisers. REL-MAR KCTU CH 41 - Wichita, Kansas McConnell Media Company assumes no responsibility for ! $K &:DDC3EB89 &6??CI=F2?:2 claims made by its advertisers, contributors or stories from other Western Cable Service - Sequim, Washington sources and do not endorse any product and or service KLFA TV Channel 8, Los Angeles, California. mentioned herein. To advertise in The ‘X’ Chronicles, please contact us at (905) 575-1222 or Toll Free at (800) 610-7035 or Cable in Guatemala and parts of Central America send an email to NNTV Niagara Now TV - Ontario, Canada