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9/11 Facts Timeline 9/11 Facts Timeline Continued from Page 10 July 22, 2004: The 9/11 Commission Report is published. It fails to mention that a year before the attacks a secret Pentagon project named Able Danger had identified four 9/11 hijackers, including leader Mohamed Atta. The Commission spokesperson initially states members were not informed of this, but later acknowledges they were. [New York Times, 8/11/05, more] Nov 19, 2004: The fear that Afghanistan might degenerate into a narco-state is becoming a reality. Afghanistan has surpassed Colombia as the world's biggest gross producer of illicit narcotics, heroin being the "main engine of economic growth" and the "strongest bond" among tribes that previously fought constantly. What we have here now is a narco-economy where 40 to 50 percent of the GDP is from illicit drugs. [San Francisco Chronicle, 11/19/04] How does a country controlled by the US become the largest producer of illegal drugs? as flawed, and call for a new, independent 4:10 PM - Building 7 of the World Trade Center For a possible answer, click here. investigation. Some even claim rogue elements collapses. of government were involved in the attacks. Nov 17, 2005: Former FBI Director Louis [Professors, Officials] The Flights Freeh: "The Able Danger intelligence, if confirmed, is undoubtedly the most relevant Fact Sheet American Airlines Flight 11 fact of the entire post-9/11 inquiry. Yet the 9/11 From: Boston, Massachusetts (Logan Airport) Commission inexplicably concluded that it 'was U.S. Department of State To: Los Angeles, California not historically significant.' This astounding Washington, DC Lives: 92 people on board conclusion—in combination with the failure to Crashed into North Tower of World Trade investigate Able Danger and incorporate it into August 15, 2002 Center at 8:46 AM its findings—raises serious challenges to the commission's credibility and, if the facts prove United Airlines Flight 175 out, might just render the commission September 11, 2001: Basic From: Boston, Massachusetts (Logan Airport) historically insignificant itself." [Wall Street To: Los Angeles, California Journal, 11/17/05] Facts Lives: 65 people on board Crashed into South Tower of World Trade 2004 - 2005: A growing number of top Center at 9:03 AM government officials and public leaders express Chronology disbelief in the official story of 9/11. Some even American Airlines Flight 77 believe 9/11 may have been an inside job. 100 8:46 AM - Plane crashes into the north tower of From: Washington, D.C. (Dulles Airport) prominent leaders and forty 9/11 family the World Trade Center. To: Los Angeles, CA members sign a statement calling for an 9:03 AM - Plane crashes into the south tower of Lives: 64 people on board unbiased inquiry into evidence that suggests the World Trade Center. Crashed into the Pentagon at 9:38 AM high-level government officials may have 9:17 AM - The Federal Aviation Administration deliberately allowed the attacks to occur. (FAA) shuts down all New York City area United Airlines Flight 93 [Various Publications] airports. From: Newark, New Jersey 9:21 AM - The Federal Aviation Administration To: San Francisco, California August 9, 2006: A shocking new book by the (FAA) halts all flights at U.S. airports. It is the Lives: 44 people on board 9/11 Commission co-chairmen Thomas Kean first time in history that air traffic has been Crashed into rural Pennsylvania (southeast of and Lee Hamilton says we still don't know the halted nationwide. Pittsburgh) whole truth about 9/11. The book outlines 9:38 AM - Plane crashes into the Pentagon. repeated misstatements by the Pentagon and the Evacuation begins immediately. Victims FAA. Untrue—the military's original timeline 9:45 AM - The White House evacuates. of United Flight 93. Equally untrue, the 10:05 AM - The south tower of the World Trade Victims came from more than 90 countries government's timeline for American Flight 77 Center collapses. around the world. and details about fighter jets scrambled to 10:10 AM - A portion of the Pentagon collapses. intercept it. CNN News anchor Lou Dobbs: 10:10 AM - Plane crashes in Somerset County, The following are the number of people who "The fact that the government would permit Pennsylvania. died at each site: deception...and perpetuate the lie suggests that 10:22 AM - The State and Justice Departments, we need a full investigation of what is going as well as the World Bank are evacuated. World Trade Center 2,823 (includes airline on." [CNN, 8/9/06 , MSNBC/AP, 8/4/06, more] 10:28 AM - The World Trade Center's north passengers) tower collapses. Pentagon 125 (not including 2006-2009: Over 50 senior government 10:45 AM - All federal office buildings in plane victims) officials from the military, intelligence, Cabinet Washington, D.C. are evacuated. Flight 11 92 people on board and Congress, and over 100 highly respected 1:44 PM - Five warships and two aircraft Flight 175 64 people on board professors, including engineers, physicists, carriers are ordered to leave the U.S. Naval Flight 77 64 people on board architects, philosophers and theologians Station in Norfolk, Virginia to protect the East Flight 93 44 people on board publicly criticize The 9/11 Commission Report Coast.