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THE THE ‘X’ CHRONICLES NEWSPAPER ‘X’ CHRONICLES NEWSPAPER Planet Earth’s ONLY Paranormal / Parapsychology Newspaper Vol. 14, No 12 ISSN - 1499-8599 (E-dition) / ISSN - 1499-8602 (CD-ROM) DECEMBER 2009 $4.95(US) Y CHRISTMAS M ME ER RR RY CHRISTMAS A Rob McConnell's Christmas Nanny was no longer with us after her battle From The ‘X’ Zone Radio Well here we are at my favourite time of with cancer, and looking at the place that was From The ‘X’ Zone Radio hers at the dining room table and missing her so & TV, The ‘X’ Chronicles the year, the Christmas Holidays. much. I remember all the Christmas traditions & TV, The ‘X’ Chronicles There’s something very special about Newspaper XZBN & Christmas. People are walking about with a that my brother and I looked so forward to... Newspaper XZBN & REL-MAR spring in their step, and being much friendlier decorating the house, making Christmas chains REL-MAR then they are throughout the rest fo the year. from colour papers and helping Mom with the And A Very And A Very Maybe it's because people stop and addressing of Christmas Cards. One of the biggest was going out with W YEAR! H HA AP PP PY Y N NE EW YEAR! think about how lucky they are to have what Dad one night in December to the Christmas they have, counting their blessing so to speak or is it because there really is a Christmas Spirit Tree lot, and bringing the tree home on the top that is able to work it’s way through the of our old white Pontiac with smiles on our little commercialism that the Christmas Season has faces from ear to ear. My Dad, who is an expert become? at selecting the perfect Christmas Tree, always Sometimes it seems that commercialism knew which tree in the out door tree lot, was the has won the battle of the true meaning of perfect tree for our home Christmas, but not in the hearts of believers in I can still remember the smell of all Christmas World-wide. those evergreens. Ah yes! Christmas was nearly No more is Christmas about the family here. gathering, seeing relatives that you haven’t seen As Christmas Day approached, the throughout the year, or the wonderful Christmas Christmas cards arrived from all of mom and Dinner that you will be having Christmas Day dads friends and our family in New Brunswick. or being thankful for those you love and those We had row, upon row, upon row of Christmas who love you. cards, and, sometimes there were so many that When I was young, Christmas was a the string broke. time of reflection on the year that had just When Mom was cooking the Christmas From Our Home to Yours passed, and the memories of those who were no turkey, Uncle Stan, who now watches from From Our Home to Yours Rob & Laura longer with us. above, (Continued on Page 2) I remember the first Christmas that my would come over for the turkey neck, which
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