Page 23 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2009
P. 23
Rosemary Ellen Guiley Rosemary Ellen Guiley Rosemary Ellen Guiley - The Encyclopedia of Rosemary Ellen Guiley - The Encyclopedia of Demons & Demmonology Demons & Demmonology THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF DEMONS & DEMONOLOGY THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF DEMONS & DEMONOLOGY — NEW! — NEW! $24.95 trade paperback By Rosemary Ellen Guiley Facts On File, 2009 Foreword by John Zaffis Illustrated with black and white images. The conflict between good and evil can be found in every culture, mythical tradition, and religion throughout history. In many cases, the source of evil has been personified as demons or devils, and in many belief systems, both are considered to be real entities operating outside the boundaries of the physical world to torment people or lead them astray. In some traditions demons are believed to be the direct opposite of angels, working against the forces of good and challenging them. Real or not, demons are at the heart of many fascinating beliefs and traditions, several of which are widely held today. The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology explores this dark aspect of folklore and religion and the role that demons play in the modern world. This comprehensive resource presents more than 400 entries and more than 80 black-and-white photographs documenting beliefs about demons and demonology from ancient history to the present. Rosemary Ellen Guiley - The Encyclopedia of Rosemary Ellen Guiley - The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits Ghosts and Spirits ENCYCLOPEDIA GHOSTS & SPIRITS 3RD EDITION $24.95 by Rosemary Ellen Guiley Foreword by Troy Taylor Facts On File, 2007, paperback, 8.5 x 11 inches, 430 pgs. The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits, Third Edition" includes more than 600 entries about ghosts, hauntings, related paranormal phenomenon, the people who investigate them, and the key theories about what causes them. Widely regarded as the definitive reference in the field, this encyclopedia provides comprehensive coverage written in an engaging style. Paranormal expert Rosemary Ellen Guiley has compiled extensive research on the most current theories about what causes ghosts and the many new haunting cases documented since publication of the second edition. The third edition has been updated substantially with the addition of more than 130 new entries, more than 20 new black-and-white photographs, and an updated foreword by Troy Taylor, founder of the American Ghost Society. Many entries include biographical listings for further reading. New and revised entries include: Amityville case; Apparition; Black Aggie; Demon; Eastern State Penitentiary; Electronic Voice Phenomena; Haunting; Lizzie Borden House; Myrtles Plantation; Possession; and, Shadow people.
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