Page 15 - march_2008.qxd
P. 15
15 Alien Memories and Dreams 15 Alien Memories and Dreams Alien Memories and hypnotic drugs, which had been carefully sapiens] of this world. Alien Memories and devised to enable the native people to establish Apparently, in this scientific work she Dreams closer telepathic contact with her. did, she was cruel and uncaring to these Dreams Jay of Ontario, has his Ph.D. in creatures. Continued from Page 14 Educational Psychology, and a belief that this is But something happened. One day she Continued from Page 14 his first incarnation on Earth: realized these beings had feelings. One of the The accounts of a beleaguered, dying I volunteered to embark upon a specific creatures had taken her hand one day and planet began to sound so reminiscent of tales of mission, now nearing the completion of its first caressed it. Monica realized then that just the legendary Atlantis that we speculated phase. It is my understanding that it is my because one may have the knowledge to create whether or not that memory which seemed so mission to discover and to develop the skills a life form, doesn't give one the right to abuse a indelibly etched in humankind's collective needed to help my fellow human beings, life form. unconscious might not have actually occurred whether they are homo sapiens or homo astrolis. A Massachusetts social worker told us on another planet light years away in space. I also understand that I now have two her memories of having lived on a planet where Although the Refugees were generally parts of a three-part puzzle. the inhabitants were basically humanlike in less able to provide us with the kind of detailed The first part involves the fundamental appearance, spoke a language known as Sumer, information about their culture, which the importance of the ways we perceive reality. and sent emissaries to Earth to design the Utopians had given us, we found a number of These perceptions, the operation of which we pyramids as transmitters of an energy system these subjects concerned with the recall of are largely unaware, can serve to help or to known as Usan. antigravity devices, cancer cures. fireproofing hinder our progress, depending on whether or She went on to inform us of her formulas, and other advantages of their not they reveal or mask our true pathways. recollection of having been sent to Earth by a advanced technology. The second aspect relates to the ways in "Council of Twelve." Most of their memories, however, were which we apply our perceptions, as a build-up According to her memories: cluttered with survival thoughts and plans of of others or as a put-down of them or ourselves. We were responsible for the miracles escape from their doomed world. We did Considerable skill is needed here, since put- recorded in the book of Exodus. We parted the eventually manage to interview a number of downs are often subtle and overtly Red Sea. Our craft created the columns of fire subjects who seemed to have shared lives in the unintentional. and of smoke, which led the Israelites. We priest craft of a temple on this planet, but they, I can only guess, at this point, the basis rained manna from the skies to feed the too, remembered more of the destruction of the of the third part. I have been told to work on wandering tribes, and we even located water for building than their daily rituals. these two for a while, to get their details, and them, cracking apart the ground to cause it to Most typical of the Refugee regressions that the third will come. With the third, the well up. were graphic descriptions of immense portions golden chain will be complete and the window A forty-three-year-old industrial of their planet being ripped apart by explosions will open. consultant from Arkansas vividly recalled and of large numbers of the population being Another interviewee from Ontario, a memories of a life as a "starcraft engineer" who annihilated. We also heard from several subjects thirty-two-year-old man, stated that he can was on board a vehicle that was forced to crash- describing fiery crash landings on Earth or on recall each of his five previous lifetimes on this land on Earth during an expedition to gather raw other planets, as their war-damaged spacecraft planet, and in each prior existence he has served materials for industrial processing. failed to negotiate proper landings. as a contact point for UFO intelligences: All our systems were failing, and the By 1979, we began to hear from On my native planet, I was a dream pilots could barely keep the craft under control. increasingly large numbers of questionnaire interpreter. I was sent to Earth to help prepare We had lost most of our drive system, and we respondents who claim to recall coming to Earth Earthlings for the coming UFO contact on a were preparing to die in the impact of the for the express purpose of assuming global basis. crash.... My readouts were going mad, and incarnations on the planet as part of an extended I lived in a city of light, of crystal when I glanced out the porthole, I could see the mission of raising the level of humankind's buildings, where everything was peace and surface of Earth approaching. consciousness. We named them, The Helpers. harmony. I used dreams to interpret any After the crash landing in what is now Typical of such reports is the one sent to forthcoming health problems and to help people northern Europe-we discovered that the pilots us by A.M., a schoolteacher from Colorado: better understand themselves. We had had managed to touch down with only minor In this dream, I am in a place of great conquered pain and suffering by our mental damage. But, tragically, although the (but not blinding) light. Other "beings" are abilities-and these are gifts that we will one day engineering crew worked for months to attempt there. It seems that we are in a rather large, be able to give to Earthlings. a repair, we could not get us space borne again. round object which hovers a short distance Interestingly, we have heard from a We couldn't even get our emergency signals to above Earth. I am being shown a chute like number of members of Native American tribes muster up enough strength to have a chance to passageway leading downward, and I am given who seem to fit into this fourth category of rescue. to understand that I am to go through this chute. aliens on assignments of raising Earth I died in what is now Germany, and I My feelings about descending are not awareness. lived several lifetimes on Earth prior to my those of joy, but more like necessity or duty. A Cherokee physicist, who now lives in present existence. I feel trapped here. I still want This all seems to be part of the Plan. My last Alabama, not only had recall of a past life in the to get back to my home planet. [] awareness is of passing downward ... toward the Pleiades, but he was also able to fit his alien Earth. memories together with tribal legends that his There is no feeling of threat or danger, people had come from another world: merely some sadness at separation from the We lived in domed cities with other beings. The dream ends. The images translucent walls. We could fly, communicate remain. with animals, and transport ourselves instantly A woman secretary in the California to other parts of our world. school district informed us that she I remember our city as a golden color--a "remembered" volunteering to come to Earth. place of great beauty and calm. Her role was to be that of one of a group of I came with others from my planet to counsellors who would assist Earth to evolve help Earth through its birth pains into an spiritually. On her planet of origin, she was a intergalactic community and oneness. We were scientist who worked with channelling light as a members of the priest craft in ancient Egypt; we source of energy. were alchemists in the middle Ages; we are According to her alien memories, her scientists and clergy in the modern world. first life experience on Earth occurred in the A woman named Monica remembers Yucatan, where she was regarded as an oracle being a scientist from another world who and where, for a time, she experimented with participated in creating the first crude [Homo
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