Page 1 - 20120708 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - July / August 2012
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THE ‘X’ CHRONICLES NEWSPAPER Planet Earth’s ONLY Paranormal / Parapsychology Newspaper );8 !; &&! 16?6;: &&!E %" ( , ( (&' The Day That 24-year-old James Holmes, a neuroscience theatres and the cross merchandising that will Batman Cried Ph.D candidate, armed with an assault rifle, shot make billions of dollars for them from people who work hard for the money? gun and two automatic hand guns, tossed a Is life so bad that people are willingly in canister of tear gas into the theatre and then handover to anyone, their hard earned money opened fire on the unsuspecting occupants at a Aurora, Colorado suburban Denver movie theatre number 9, as for a trip from reality to their chosen digital Friday. July 20, 2012 they sat during a midnight premiere of the new fantasy? Psychologists tell us that those who Batman movie, “The Dark Knight Rises” of things to come? flock to these fictional movies and convention Are they to be ignored? fan events are unhappy with their lives and Will they be forgotten? think that they would be happier as another Will the lesson be lost? person, even if a fictional comic book character. The suspect James Holmes was arrested These are typically people who are not so by police, without incident, outside at the rear successful in this world but believe they might parking lot of the theatre where he had just be a hero or even a king in an imaginary, killed 12 people. fictional, digital world. James Holmes had died his hair red and You see them at movie premieres and at told the police that he was “The Joker.” fantasy conventions everywhere, dressed up Among those in the theatre were a three- like their alter-ego comic book or sci-fi hero, month old baby and a six-year old. trying to mimic them in every way possible. Who in their right mind would being a Comic conventions, sci-fi conventions and now, three-month old and a six-year old to a movie even Halloween conventions - people flock to by Rob McConnell theatre at midnight anyway? What is more them by the thousands, shelling out millions of Publisher important: being a responsible parent or dollars for the opportunity to justify their need The ‘X’ Chronicles Newspaper fulfilling a selfish need to immerse yourself to escape life as they know it and become someone or something they’re not. momentarily into a world of digital fiction? Why would anyone go to a midnight We know for a fact that when a new Hamilton, Ontario: In a day and age when premiere to see a fictional character that is being UFO/extraterrestrial movie is released, UFO technology is held ever closer to godliness, we placed on a sociological pedestal anyway? sightings in the area where the movie has played need to step back and take a good look around What is wrong with society? increase dramatically. us, planting our feet flat on the ground for a hard Is life so bad that we must herald The same is true of movies that have a core reality check. fictional characters in a Hollywood paranormal theme. Are events of Friday, July 20, 2012 in manufactured fictional movie, where, if you Aurora, Colorado, where 12 people were shot want to get to the bottom line has only one goal and killed , and 59 others were wounded, when and that is to make money for Hollywood, the Continued on Page 2