Page 18 - 20120708 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - July / August 2012
P. 18
*5D E ; !;? 2862A2 862:> C6>? UFO Sightings: Why I Do depicted most enjoyably in Disney’s Lilo and equipment. "It could an aircraft; it could be Chinese Not Believe Aliens Exist Stitch, are rather prominent in some circles. lanterns. Apparently people confuse them with Whether it is just a fascination with the unknown or some kind of Orwellian fear of UFOs and I got one picture once where there Abdul Siddiqui government hiding things from us, it is certain was a smudge - a greenish smudge - but that was from the camera. It was a reflection in the that the alien phenomenon is one that has started long before the public has been conclusively lens." The most conclusive answer that I ever exposed to species from another planet. While it Astronomers have expanded their field received, regarding the debate of science and is not my purpose or place to ridicule anyone, I to include observations from the public and it religion, was actually the least divisive. As part do not feel that a person telling a story with no has helped identify previously unknown of a course on cognitive psychology, my logic or credibility should be treated as a logical objects. professor took the time one day to address the or credible person. Yes, there is some inherent In 2007, Dutch school teacher Hanny issue of faith in the scientific world and simply hypocrisy here because I am a fan of Philip K. van Arkel discovered a massive gas cloud about stated that, while it may indeed be true that there Dick but I only accept his stories for the social 650 million light years away from Earth and is a higher power that rules over us or that our messages behind them; taken literally, they around 16 000 light years across. existence is nothing more than a dream, it is not seem rather unfeasible. The object, known as Hanny's voorwerp possible to use that in science -- because it can In short, I am a disbeliever but I try not has become the subject of much research by neither be proven nor disproven. to be. The most compelling flying object story professional astronomers. And while my totem is currently in the past few years is Balloon Boy’s and even "That [Hanny's voorwerp] was indicating that we are indeed awake, it is crucial that turned out to be false, so you can’t really something they weren't aware of and they found to remember that until something can be blame me. Also, while I only cite that example this and they got a whole lot of people to carry decisively verified or refuted, we should always facetiously, it does work to demonstrate what on in Galaxy Zoo to look for more of them. And work on the assumption that it may indeed be people are willing to do for publicity nowadays. they've written papers on it now," Loaring said. true or false. Simply put, Schrödinger’s cat can I believe the photographer does not entirely be alive or dead and we should be open to both believe the interviews to be true, instead Baffled options. choosing to settle for creepy pictures in hopes However, that does not mean we can that people will watch grown adults share tall work with assumptions in a logical setting tales and make faces resembling the Morlocks She added that with the wealth of current data available, there wasn't enough researchers to do because there is nothing for us to analyze either (Wells, not X-Men). My reasoning for a proper examination and the public could get way until we open the box and look inside. mentioning all these fantastic science-fiction involved in early stage analysis. Therefore, when I looked at the pictures and writers is to demonstrate what capable people "That was something they just weren't interviews of self-professed alien abductees did with the concept of extraterrestrial life but from the International UFO Conference, I did this photo gallery just pulls a William Shatner expecting. There're quite a few citizen science projects out there and people can contribute my best to keep an open mind about their stories and makes them seem ridiculous. I am still because there's so much data; there're not possibly being true. However, seeing as how willing to accept the idea that these stories enough [professional] people to look at it." there is no logical way for me to prove or might be true; whether I am willing to respect it Still, despite the best efforts of disprove their assertions, I do not feel guilty for is another story. [] maintaining my cynicism regarding the researchers, some observations, particularly by credible witnesses such as pilots leave credibility of these accounts. UFOs often misidentified - astronomers baffled. The amount of unidentified flying object This is especially true when an sightings reported each year is nothing short of astronomer observation of a UFO cannot be explained by staggering and the number is still on the rise. clouds, tricks of light or known aeroplanes. However, regardless of whether they are just "Other times you really can't tell what it specks of light or "Sovereign the Reaper," it is News 24 is. And you're just... 'I don't know'," said certain that the human race has always been fascinated with the aliens’ tendency to visit us in Cape Town - Astronomers say that people often Loaring. [] order to conduct horridly invasive medical misidentify known astronomical objects for Let REL-MAR Publish Your Book procedures, despite Kang’s assurance that they UFOs. For You! have learned all they can from rectal probing. "I get lots of phone calls. Quite often While I do not intend to mock anyone, the folks people have spotted a planet - often Jupiter and If you are an Author or planning to write a book, interviewed in the aforementioned article are Venus - and they don't realise it. I ask them this message will be of GREAT interest to possibly a product of that fascination, although which direction they were looking at; what time you.REL-MAR McConnell Media Company I find it hard to believe that someone would risk it was and I can go check and see what was up will make your book available in print and public ridicule unless they genuinely believed at that time," Dr Nicola Loaring outreach digital formats. Your book will be available for their own stories to be true. astronomer at the South African Astronomical sale on line and on Amazon in Kindle format. Still, having faith in their accounts or Observatory told News24. You will receive a book trailer, your eBook will even keeping an open mind is rather difficult. She said that members of the public be online on its own landing page and domain My cynicism, while seemingly bordering on often call or send pictures of objects they have name and we will issue a press release for you. stubbornness, is not easily moved when photographed and identified as Unidentified We currently have books that are selling as Print someone claims they have been on and off alien Flying Objects. on Demand, printed, formatted for digital sales ships their whole life. Photographer Steven "There're also the UFOs which people & distribution including Kindle, iPod, iPad and Hirsch, the man behind these interviews, insists see and sometimes I get photos sent to me and Android handheld devices. ISBN Numbers are that he does not want audiences to go in with a it's quite difficult from the photos to work out included for all print/digital publications. preconception about his subjects but when what it is," said Loaring. Contact us for all your publishing needs. Other people start talking about memories getting Orthodox scientists do not recognise services include Radio/TV programming and erased and or having had six different that aliens from other worlds or dimensions are productions, Voice Over services, Complete encounters with extraterrestrials, I become less regularly visiting Earth, but there are aerial Internet Services. We have over 20 years of forgiving. Sure, the people may be right and the anomalies that have been observed both at night media experience. All this for under $900.00 aliens are slowly expanding into our society but as well as during the day. CDN. For more information call us today! if ET is really phoning home to invite a secret invasion, he should take a cue from the Skrulls Anomalies Call 1-800-610-7035, Ext 852 and not let people blab about it. The obsession with alien life forms and Loaring said that some of the photographed REL-MAR McConnell Media Company the inevitable conspiracies they inspire, anomalies may be errors on recording
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