Page 49 - 20120708 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - July / August 2012
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Beyond the Super Computer BEYOND THE archivist. Bloom is the author of The Lucifer 500 radio stations in North America. Bloom is a former visiting scholar in the SUPERCOMPUTER: Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Graduate School of Psychology at NYU and a Forces of History ("mesmerizing"—The SOCIAL GROUPS AS Washington Post), Global Brain: The Evolution former core faculty member at the Graduate of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Institute in Meriden, Connecticut. He has SELF-INVENTION Century ("reassuring and sobering"—The New written for The Washington Post, The Wall MACHINES Yorker), The Genius of the Beast: A Radical Re- Street Journal, Wired, Knight-Ridder Financial Vision of Capitalism ("Impressive, stimulating, News Service, the Village Voice, and Continued from Page 48 and tremendously enjoyable." James Fallows, Cosmopolitan Magazine. In addition to National Correspondent, The Atlantic), and The, his scientific articles have appeared God Problem: How A Godless Cosmos Creates in PhysicaPlus, New Ideas in Psychology, and Group selectionism can provide a richly productive alternative explanation. Individuals ("Bloom's argument will rock your world." Across Species Comparisons and Psychopathology. Bloom’s 90-minute per Barbara Ehrenreich). Bloom has been published within a social unit are ranked on the basis of perceived relevance to a larger community. in, the leading pre-print site in episode YouTube series, Howard the advanced theoretical physics and math. He was Humongous, pulls in a minimum of 45,000 hits They either move to the sidelines or to the invited to tell an international conference of and a maximum of 161,000 per installment. center depending on the verdict rendered by quantum physicists in Moscow in 2005 why Topping it all off, Bloom’s computer their psychophysiology and by their social or everything they know about quantum physics is houses a not-so-secret and not-at-all humble environmental milieu. Thus they become wrong. And his book Global Brain was the project, his 7,100-chapter-long Grand Unified components of a communal intelligence. Put yet subject of an Office of the Secretary of Defense Theory of Everything in the Universe Including another way, conformity enforcers, diversity symposium in 2010, with participants from the the Human Soul. Pavel Kurakin of the Keldysh generators, utility sorters and resource shifters aid in the construction of competitive machines State Department, the Energy Department, Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences says that “Bloom has DARPA, IBM, and MIT. Bloom has founded far more powerful than mere individual three international scientific groups: the Group created a new Scientific Paradigm. He explains organisms. When matched against genes whose Selection Squad (1995), which fought to gain in vast and compelling terms why we should disguised selfishness restricts them to family acceptance for the concept of group selection in forget all we know in complicated modern math support and reciprocal exchanges, genes free to participate in the computational and inventive evolutionary biology; The International and should start from the very beginning. Paleopsychology Project (1997), which worked …Bloom’s Grand Unified Theory… opens a power of a group brain will roll over their rivals to create a new multi-disciplinary synthesis window into entire systems we don't yet know like a tank flattening a Volkswagen. between cosmology, paleontology, evolutionary and/or see, new…collectivities that live, love, biology, and history; and The Space battle, win and lose each day of our gray lives. Eshel Ben-Jacob has been forced to infer from his data on bacillus subtilis that we may be Development Steering Committee (2007), an I never imagined that a new system of thought could produce so much light.” organization that includes astronauts Buzz viewing "a new picture of cooperative Aldrin, Edgar Mitchell and members from Concludes Joseph Chilton Pearce, evolution" (Corning, 1983; Corning, 1996; Smillie, 1993; Smillie, 1995), one entirely NASA, the National Science Foundation, and author of Evolution's End and The Crack in the the Department of Defense. Cosmic Egg, "I have finished Howard Bloom's "orthogonal" to standard neo Darwinism (Ben- Bloom explains that his focus is “mass books, The Lucifer Principle and Global Brain, Jacob, 1998; Ben-Jacob, Cohen, and Czirók. In behavior, from the mass behavior of quarks to in that order, and am seriously awed, near press.). What does "orthogonal" mean? In the mass behavior of human beings.” In 1968 overwhelmed by the magnitude of what he has Edwin A. Abbott's classic book, Flatland, Bloom turned down four fellowships in done. I never expected to see, in any form, from creatures operating on only the two- psychology and neurobiology and set off on a any sector, such an accomplishment. I doubt dimensional axes of depth and width felt their science project in a field he knew nothing about: there is a stronger intellect than Bloom's on the world was infinite (Abbott, 1953). Yet there was popular culture. He was determined to tunnel planet." an even larger infinity above them--if only they into the forces of history by entering “the belly Author of: The Lucifer Principle: A had been able to look up. Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History When using the light of both group and of the beast where new myths, new mass ("mesmerizing" The Washington Post), Global individual selection, the new evolutionary passions, and new mass movements are made.” Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind From The Big Bloom used simple correlational techniques sciences are able to lift their eyes and see our plus what he calls “tuned empathy” and Bang to the 21st Century ("reassuring and kinship with three-and-a-half billion years of “saturated intuition” to help build or sustain the sobering" The New Yorker), The Genius of the precursors, thus vastly expanding their range of careers of figures like Prince, Michael Jackson, Beast: A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism explorable evidence and explanatory Bob Marley, Bette Midler, Billy Joel, Paul ("Impressive, stimulating, and tremendously mechanisms. The world of the petri dish sheds Simon, Billy Idol, Peter Gabriel, David Byrne, enjoyable." James Fallows, National light on the conference halls of the Hague. The John Mellencamp, Queen, Kiss, Aerosmith, Correspondent, The Atlantic), and The God mathematics of materials science and of such AC/DC, Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Problem: How A Godless Cosmos Creates non-linear newcomers as fractals and chaos Five, Run DMC, and roughly 100 others. In the ("Bloom's argument will rock your world." theory, the insights of cell biology and process, he generated $28 billion in revenues Barbara Ehrenreich). Former Core Faculty endocrinology, and the mysteries of psychology (more than the gross domestic product of Oman Member, The Graduate Institute; Recent Visiting find a new place in the puzzle. If the Scholar—Graduate Psychology Department, New evolutionary dogmatists of Lilliput and or Luxembourg) for companies like Sony, York UniversityFounder: International Disney, Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola, and Warner Blefuscu will simply recognize the equal Brothers. Bloom also helped launch Farm Aid Paleopsychology Project. Founder, Space importance of each end of the egg, they may and Amnesty International’s American Development Steering Committee. Member Of finally make it possible for science to reveal presence. He worked with the United Negro Board Of Governors, National Space Society. something far more fascinating--the workings College Fund,the National Black United Fund, Founding Board Member: Epic of Evolution of an egg's interior. The inner workings of you and the NAACP, and he put together the first Society. Founding Board Member, The Darwin and me. Project. Founder: The Big Bang Tango Media public service radio campaign for solar power Lab. Member: New York Academy of Sciences, (1981). Today, his focus on group behavior American Association for the Advancement of ABOUT HOWARD BLOOM: extends to geopolitics. He has debated one-one- Science, American Psychological Society, one with senior officials from Egypt’s Moslem Academy of Political Science, Human Behavior Howard Bloom has been called “next in a Brotherhood and Gaza’s Hamas on Iran’s Arab- and Evolution Society, International Society for lineage of seminal thinkers that includes language international Alalam TV News Human Ethology. Scientific Advisory Board Newton, Darwin, Einstein,[and] Freud,” by Member, Lifeboat Foundation. Advisory Board Britain's Channel4 TV, "the next Stephen Network. He has dissected headline issues on Member, The Buffalo Film Festival. Board Saudi Arabia’s KSA1-TV and on Iran’s global Hawking" by Gear Magazine, and "The English language Press-TV. And he has Member, Humanity Plus; Board of Editors, The Buckminster Fuller and Arthur C. Clarke of the appeared fifty two times for up to five hours on Journal of Space Philosophy. [] new millennium" by Buckminster Fuller's
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