Page 18 - 200908 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - August 2009
P. 18
18 Michael Tellinger - Adam’s Calendar 18 Michael Tellinger - Adam’s Calendar Discovering the Oldest mines. In my personal experience and research vernal equinox sunrise is shaped like the Horus Discovering the Oldest Man-made Structures I have found at least 5 ancient mine shafts in hawk head from Egypt and it also resembles the Man-made Structures gold-rich areas and been told of dozens more by birds at Zimbabwe ruins. This is the oldest on Earth. farmers from the area. It seems that gold mining statue of the Horus hawk by a long shot and on Earth. has been going on here for a lot longer than should attract great interest in the years to come. Continued From Page 17 most of us ever imagined. Adam's Calendar takes us further back in time Continued From Page 17 A coin of Roman Emperor Antoninus closer to the emergence of Homo sapiens, than Most of the original settlement Pius 138 AD was found 25 metres deep in a any other structure ever found to date, and it structures are well buried beneath the soil and gold mine in 1891 by the man to first excavate will force historians and archaeologist to can only be seen from the air by a sensitised Great Zimbabwe. The Egyptian Pharaoh reconsider ancient human activity and observer. It gets even more confusing when you Ramses writes about crossing the African consciousness. observe the ancient roads that link all these continent to the southern tip around 1300 BC settlements together. We have traced the and his encounters with gold in this part of the Ancient Humans remains of these roads that can still be seen world. It becomes evident that we are actually stretching to about 500 kilometres. In their and probably talking about King Solomon's Southern Africa holds some of the deepest original state they would have covered mines. mysteries in all of human history. Although thousands of kilometres. Should we be surprised by this much has been written about the first humans The position of the ancient road sections discovery? The oldest written record of human who appeared in this part of the world, we have that we have discovered suggest that it once ran history, the Sumerian tablets, describe found very little evidence of their activity or continuously from the coast of Mozambique to extensively the ancient activity in a land called what they did and what kind of lives they led Botswana and possibly beyond. A rough ABZU - the land below the equator where the from around 250,000 years ago to 75,000 years calculation shows that, only the visible pieces of gold was mined. The tablets describe the early ago. What we are told is that around 60,000 the original ancient roads would have required human settlements and the quest for gold. The years ago the people from Africa began to over 500 million stones of between 10 and 50 fact that many scholars keep ignoring these migrate north and eventually populated the kilograms to construct. If we assume that the scripts is a great pity. whole planet. roads only make up 2 percent of the ancient settlements, the number of stones required to Sumeria and Abantu Who were these first humans? build the entire ancient city/settlement becomes What did they do? unthinkable. This would simply not be possible The links to the Sumerian civilisation in How did they live? with the current population model of ancient southern Africa simply cannot be ignored or civilisation in southern Africa. The other issue erased. They can even be traced with etymology And where did they disappear to? we need to deal with is the need for roads, since in the names and origins of indigenous people. it was previously believed that the wheel only The most obvious piece of evidence that has The first signs of human intelligence and arrived in this part of the world with the never been explained is the word Abantu, the consciousness only appeared around 75 000 Portuguese explorers in the 1500's. name commonly used to desribe black South years ago, when the Khoisan people of southern Africans. According to pre-eminent shaman and Africa started leaving behind an array of Oldest City on Earth medicine man Credo Mutwa, the name is spectacular cave paintings all over this part of derived from the Sumerian goddess Antu. the continent. Finely crafted beads and bracelet It would not be unthinkable that we are Abantu simply means the children or people of fragments found in a cave at Blombos in the possibly looking at the oldest settlements on Antu. Western Cape, South Africa, show that these early humans had already developed a feel for Earth. Artefacts that have been recovered from these ruins show a long and extended period of How does Adam's Calendar fit into the arts and crafts. The legends become even more vivid settlement that spans well over 200,000 years. the ancient ruin picture? Over the past three decades several researchers when we learn about the great empire of Monomotapa whose kings were powerful and have raised this issue only to be ridiculed and Adam's Calendar is the flagship among often ostracised. Many leading scientist and these ruins because we can date this monolithic wealthy in gold. When we move to around 1000 BC we encounter the mysterious Queen Sheba historians have since voiced their support for calendar with relative certainty to at least such ancient origins. Since southern Africa is 75,000 years of age based on a number of who ruled a kingdom in the lost land of Ophir, teeming with endless supplies of gold; and the the cradle of humankind, we should not be scientific evaluations. In turn Adam's Calendar wise and wealthy king Solomon who seduced surprised to find such ruins, but we should points to the diverse ancient history of southern Queen Sheba and obtained all his gold from her. rather expect these discoveries. The reality Africa and presents the first tangible evidence seems to be that we are dealing with what is of the earliest humans in the 'Cradle of possibly the largest and most mysterious ancient humankind'. civilisation on Earth. Is it possible that there really was such a place? The Orion Connection & The Hawk Ancient Gold Fields Was it really filled with limitless Head of Horus wealth in gold? It is important to note that the Was it here where the wealthiest This remarkable stone structure of mysterious ruins of southern Africa, which Adam's Calendar was originally a large circular kings on Earth got their gold? include Great Zimbabwe and thousands of similar ruins in that country, also extend into structure resembling but predating Stonehenge Ophir is an etymological derivative of the by many thousands of years. Its original shape neighbouring areas like Botswana, Namibia, ancient place called Afer - where the gold came Zambia, Kenya and Mozambique. But why is still clearly visible from satellite images. from; then became the Arabic Afir - for Africa - Adam's Calendar is built along the same 31 were these ancient people here in the first place? from which was derived K'Afir - which became What were they doing? degree longitudinal line as Great Zimbabwe and the slang word for black people in later years. In the Great Pyramid of Giza. Three of the The past 200 years has seen a number of the Bible it is changed to Ofir or Ophir. There explorers write in great detail about these ruins, monoliths are aligned with the rise of Orion's seems to be a clear link between all these places belt when it rose horizontally on the horizon at but their findings have been largely forgotten and this link leads to southern Africa - where the and their books are out of print. Most of these least 75,000 years ago. The latest astronomic gold came from. calculation suggests that the last time Orion early explorers write about thousands of ancient would have been flat on the horizon was around mine shafts found in close proximity to these 160,000 years ago. (Continued on Page 19) ruins. In fact, most of these mines have been A recent observation is that the fallen described as gold mines, copper, tin and iron monolith on the outer circle that marks the Visit The ‘X’ Zone -