Page 14 - 201011 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - November 2010
P. 14
“My God, I’m Hit!” D @ 6, A C4 1; E Sherlock Holmes Approach To The Kennedy Incident On Elm Street by Brian David Andersen The Plaintiff created a Power Point program to detail this updated version of "My God, I'm Hit!" The program needed to distill all of the topics and focus on the four very basic core issues. The Zapruder film, the eyewitness testimonies, the Warren Commission Report, the botched autopsy, the fake autopsy pictures bullet." Once the slug entered the right skull related to the position of the gun on Elm Street and all the theories of who did the shooting area it would have had to made an immediate 90 or in the 100X limousine have violated the were excluded from the four core issues. The degree left turn so it could exit out of JFK's back fundamental laws of geometry. Should any kind juror is asked to do the same. The four core right skull area. of theory that does not fit within and adhere to issues are: If the driver of the presidential the fundamental laws of geometry be discarded? 1. John F. Kennedy's head and face remained limousine, Secret Service Agent William Greer, The logical answer is yes. in a forward and leaning position while in the shot a pistol from the left front seat, the bullet A Dallas Times Herald photographer back seat of his limousine after the first shot would have had to entered the at the mid to left took a series of pictures of law enforcement was fired. forehead area of JFK's skull. The fundamental officers observing and removing a bloody 45 2. All of the doctors and nurses at Parkland laws of geometry exclude William Greer as the caliber slug and human bone and tissue on the Hospital unanimously stated they observed a shooter because the entry wound was on the far south side of Elm Street. large bullet exit wound on the right back side of right forehead area according to the Parkland According to the laws of geometry, how the skull. medical staff. could have this bullet ended up on the south side 3. With the exit wound on the right rear of Jackie Kennedy was left handed and had of Elm Street and what connection did the 45 the head, the entry wound had to be on the right she shot her husband point blank in the right caliber slug and human blood and tissue have to forehead. forehead area with a pistol, her face, upper body do with the victim removed from the 100X and 4. The fundamental laws of geometry. and hands would have been heavily splattered in treated at Parkland Hospital? The book has Again, the focus is on these four core blood. Jackie's face, upper body, hands were in addressed these questions. issues only with no interference from any other almost pristine condition while in the Confusing, violating and obstructing the outside influences. emergency room of Parkland Hospital. The fundamental laws of geometry were the primary Because the observations by the fundamental laws of blood spatter geometry objectives of Arlen Specter and Donald Parkland medical staff were unanimous about exclude Jackie as the shooter. Rumsfeld who were hired by Gerald Ford as the exit wound, a conspiracy by a portion of the According to the fundamental laws of staff members of the Warren Commission. staff to make a joint false declaration is geometry the gun that created the wounds as LBJ's investigative team did not include a impossible. What are the odds that all members observed by the medical staff of Parkland medical doctor, forensic specialist nor any kind of the Parkland medical staff mistaken? Hospital had to have been located at the jump of scientist. A lawyer, legislative aide and a Astronomical. seat or on the floor board directly in front of politician made-up their own rules of geometry By focusing on the wounds as described JFK. and criminally discredited the true and honest by the Parkland medical staff that viewed and A gun did not fire from the right jump testimonies of the Parkland Hospital medical treated gunshots on a daily basis, the gun that seat or the floorboard of the 100X limousine on staff. created those two wounds had to be located at a November 22, 1963. Why? Because common Their fantasy geometry and whitewash position that adhered to the fundamental laws of sense dictates there was no functioning human investigation have been swallowed hook, line geometry. (Connally had been shot) in the right jump seat and sinker by both the supporters and opponents The fundamental laws of geometry or on the floorboard to fire the gun. of the Warren Commission report. The spell cast dictate that the gun had to be in a frontal The fundamental laws of geometry and by the Warren Commission to divert the position to create the bullet entry wound on the common sense dictate that the victim with the American public and sincere investigators from forehead. Again, JFK remained with his face right forehead bullet entry wound and right rear applying the fundamental laws of geometry to and head pointed and leaned towards the front skull exit could not have been shot by a gun the incident on Elm Street has remained in full of the 100X presidential limousine during the located outside nor inside of the 100X force since their report was released in 1964. seconds after the first shot was fired. limousine. Every possible position the gun And what became of the lawyer, The fundamental laws of geometry could have been located has been proven to be legislative aide and politician who made up therefore exclude a rifle shot to the head from impossible by the fundamental laws of their own laws of geometry and cast a spell on JFK's rear position such as the Texas School geometry and common sense. Americans that diverts them from using the Book Depository. The fundamental laws of geometry fundamental laws of geometry? The fundamental laws of geometry dictate the victim who was treated at Parkland One became a senator, one became therefore dictate that a rifle shot from JFK's Hospital was not sitting in the back seat of the Secretary of Defense and one became President right position such as the grassy knoll or the 100X limousine on November 22, 1963. of the United States. storm drain would enter at the right side of his Therefore the fundamental laws of When will the juror and the American skull and exit out the left side of his skull. The geometry dictate that the victim treated at public return to applying and adhering to the fundamental laws of geometry exclude the right Parkland Hospital was not JFK. fundamental laws of geometry and common side gun positions because the bullet exit wound Declaring that JFK was not the victim sense and cease to live under the dark spell cast as reported by the Parkland medical staff was on treated by the medical staff of Parkland Hospital by the Warren Commission and the Powers- the right back side of the victim's skull. is well within and adheres to the fundamental That-Be? A rifle shot from the grassy knoll or the laws of geometry. storm drain would have been a true "magic For nearly 50 years all the theories by both well meaning and dubious "investigators"