Page 24 - 201011 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - November 2010
P. 24
Alien Predators Alien Predators – Would you put all our eggs in their basket? Continued from Page 21 Whatever our existential base, whatever our meaning as a living thinking species, we can expect to be set against alien extraterrestrials and their implied superiority in their terms and not ours. It all implies control, the control of the inferior by the superior. We have seen how this works when our own record as a species is set against the control of non-human animal species. We have decimated them ruthlessly. This is I think the point that underlies Hawking's assertion. Yes he encourages that we avoid contact with an alien resource, but if it is inevitable and is forced upon us, we as individuals have an inalienable right to know what our fate is likely to be. dismantling mechanisms of a universe governed the load." If an alien species with an advanced by the second law of thermodynamics. That enough technology to conquer the speed of light something is what is commonly termed, for Putting all this together it would seem in order to reach us has an interest in us with our want of a better word, a 'soul.' that Hawking is suggesting that humanity relatively primitive levels of technology one In our secular society we have should spread its violent predatory nature out would have to ask the question: Why? What can unwittingly and inexorably it seems allowed into space and join the predatory alien species we as living beings give them that technology science to be our oracle, our fountain of truth. out there in a battle for survival. Do you notice cannot? What can we do that the best most Yet its prophets and soothsayers are now something a little shaky about the morality of advanced robotic artificial intelligence cannot? admitting that they too are in the dark. BBC's that suggestion? It is so much easier faster and more predictable Horizon Programme: 'Is Everything We Know z If there just might be a to work with artificial intelligence than natural About The Universe Wrong' screened in March possibility that existence continues beyond an intelligence so why would they bother with us? revealed that scientists at the cutting edge of atomic scheme of things, as some of the greatest Our bodies are less resilient than robots. Our cosmology and theoretical physics are happy to minds that came to this world have attested and own motivations, wishes and wants will admit that their knowledge of how the Universe science itself may now be implying. If there is interfere with whatever programme they are and all that is in it came to be is almost non- indeed an eternal nature to our individual trying to introduce whereas a robot is a clean existent. They are forced by the data derived reality, how might this be compromised by the sheet for writing on. If they want our planetary from their own observations of the universe to thinking encapsulated in Hawking's suggestion, resources such as gold for example it would be bring into the standard model of explanation how indeed might this be further compromised so easy for them to harvest this with purely exotic elements such as dark matter, dark by an alien agenda that seems to centre on technological means. In fact they could find energy and the new kid on the block - dark flow. experimentation with our natural reproductive those resources easily on so many uninhabited These are all called 'dark' for a very good capacity with no regard for our freedom of planets with no troublesome inhabitants to reason: Scientists are completely in the dark as choice? If the choices we make can affect our bother them. If they want DNA from us that too to what they are. To all intents and purposes eternal prospectus as well as our temporal one is easily replicated endlessly from a small they do not exist in the observable universe. Yet what a catastrophe it could then be to each and sample as our own biologists already do for if scientists are to make sense of what they can every one of us, to trust this, our eternity, to the their own research. observe in the observable universe they have to valencies and whims of politicians and their Yet for millennia it seems they have exist somehow, somewhere. Could this, perish administrative goons. been interacting with our species. What do we the thought, imply that there is indeed a reality With recent advances in bio-technology have that fascinates them so powerfully? Their beyond the physically observable that interacts and cybernetics we are hurtling faster than ever first concern will be to survive in the best with the physically observable? Could this before into what I call 'Sim Card Man'. Could it capacity. What do we have that would benefit imply something non-physical that might for be that the Grey aliens that are a feature of their survival? It might be said that they wish to want of a better word be termed 'God.' almost all abduction experiences may hybridise with us so that they can survive on our It is our societal norm to see nothing themselves be the final product of a civilization planet by merging species with one already beyond the scope of atoms. Just look at at another location in the universe achieving this adapted for the local conditions. But then Hawking's latest statements for a beautiful stage of technological advancement to its acme. cloning would be a better solution. Clone and illustration of this. His cynical view of Could this civilization have transformed their reclone humanity in hybrid mixtures with them. extraterrestrials is based on observing an Earth own natural bodies through artificial implants But they have tried this on the spaceships and life form – humans. He thinks it is a reasonable into bio-mechanical entities? Could the Greys they are weak and sickly by all accounts. assumption that the behaviour of extraterrestrial have been the final product of a civilization that What then is it about us that we cannot civilizations would be similar to the violent and sought to avoid death in this way? Could they be successfully cloned and mixed with their naturally exploitative behaviour of humans.Yet be the epitome, in other words, of artificial species prospectus? Why do they need to mix us with ultimate irony he has recently suggested intelligence? This would be consistent with with them in our natural original state over time that the human race itself must move to a planet abductee reports which seem to suggest that the with all the inconvenience for them that this beyond our Solar System to protect the future of Greys have no sympathy towards us but no produces? What do we have that a highly the species. cruelty either, rather likea scientist behaves advanced biological laboratory such as theirs towards his lab rats. cannot replicate? I suggest that there is "Once we spread out into space and establish something else that comes into the equation, colonies, our future should be safe." "The Continued on Page 25 something that continually moves the goalposts. human race shouldn't have all its eggs in one Something that natural birth has and cloned basket, or on one planet. Let's hope we can Visit The Home of The ‘X’ Zone birth does not, something that allows for the avoid dropping the basket until we have spread possibility for life in the first place despite the
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