Page 38 - 201011 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - November 2010
P. 38
Visions of the Future – Sim Card Man Visions of the Future – Changes in abduction accounts over the best, most genetically fit human beings are Sim Card Man last ten years, as reported by Professor David produced by mixed race partnerships.20 In Jacobs, suggest that an active hybridisation other words, the more genetically different the Continued from Page 37 program is now under way. I quote from his parents, the better the genetic prospectus of the report "A Picture We May Not Wish to Gaze offspring. The biological term for this is "hybrid Upon" (2007): "All of these accounts, to put it vigour" and it is something farmers, What's Behind Our March Towards bluntly, point to a future in which human- horticulturalists and scientists have known Artificial Intelligence? looking hybrids will be here amongst us. The about for years and used to their advantage. evidence is now so strong I can no longer look An individual who has two identical Michio Kaku does not seem to recognise at alternative motivations for them." copies of a gene is described as homozygotic for this paradox when he expresses his opinion that I believe that the Greys are the 'devils' of that gene, while someone who has two copies vast developments in artificial intelligence need ancient lore who were out to 'steal the souls' of that differ is described as heterozygotic for that not be dangerous to humanity: "We'll be able to their human victims. Ten years after I first made gene. Basically, if you have two identical copies choose the level of advancement of our robots," this proposition, acclaimed writer Nick Redfern of the same gene then it is more likely that if he says, "I believe it's ultimately up to us as to confirmed that soul-stealing is indeed central to that gene is broken both copies will be broken. what kind of intelligent machines we'll the alien agenda from his interviews with This can result in serious health problems. ultimately create. We will decide what people inside US defence and intelligence However, with less related partners, the number relationships will develop with them."11 I must agencies. of genes that are identical by descent is reduced, say I am completely dumbfounded by Kaku's Triumphantly Kaku states that "we are at and with it the chance that a gene has two blinkered view. Has he completely wiped out of the dawn of a new era in which we might broken copies. In other words every broken his mind the history of man's inhumanity to man literally be able to change our minds with the copy has a much better chance of finding itself and man's use of technological advances to push of a button." Yet he also asks the question: partnered with a good copy. Heterozygosity also further the cause of that inhumanity? Hiroshima "Exactly how many natural parts can we replace gives a greater scope of genes to adapt to the and Nagasaki, nuclear waste dumped on Pacific with artificial ones before we begin to lose our demands of any particular environment. So, in islanders, biological and chemical warfare, the sense of being human?" 17 Somehow he can ask evolutionary terms, one would expect human racially motivated industrialised killing of this question whilst at the same time running beings to have a biologically generated urge to millions, the list of incidents in which we have happily ahead with a cyborg future for mix races in order to increase the fitness of the proven our complete disregard for each other's humanity. In fact his whole programme eerily species for survival. Yet, amongst so many the welfare in the pursuit of our own self-interested resembles a "Tele-seen marketing" ad for opposite is true. Especially amongst the white goals through technology is endless. Kaku says technologies that transform human beings into Euro-Caucasoids. that, "in the future we want robots who can tell bio-machines. Virtual reality is presented as an Where could this urge for an in-bred the difference between right and wrong, good exciting new advance on actual reality. homozygotic population come from? Could it and bad, important and not important and for The most terrifying words come from be that some of us have been programmed by that emotions are the key." 12 He then says Paul Saffo, a technology forecaster at MIT: alien experimenters to keep the experimental nothing more about how it will be possible to "Revolutions have winners and losers and this group separate in order to preserve the integrity program emotions and value systems with revolution is no exception but I would say that of the experiment? Could racism be a sure sign measures of conscience into a computer. the real losers are those who say they don't want of alien genetic interception? An interception I believe that the Greys are using their to get involved. They are going to discover that for their purposes and in their interests and not technology to manipulate us to develop the being a little bit out of touch will have some ours. If so, the new techno-colonialism of which kinds of technologies that will allow them to unpleasant consequences. It's not a good idea to Professor Greenfield speaks, and the fact the replicate themselves within our human bodies. I be a bystander." technological progress that makes it possible believe they are downloading their programmes Professor Susan Greenfield, a springs almost entirely from the Euro- into us because they believe those programs will neuroscientist at the University of Oxford, asks Caucasian genotype, may well suggest this is assure their eternal survival through us. I am a telling question: "One of the biggest problems their prime homozygotic group. In fact, this convinced that our galloping progress towards of the 21st century is how one deals with a group is considered by genetic anthropologists an AI dominated world has, without most of us world that is far from a level playing field and to be the most in-bred of all. Tracing its origins realising it, been at their quiet instigation. The how one can square one's conscience with to Cro-Magnon man, it is one of the most ultimate goal is that we become like them. The having some enhanced ability and there are homozygotic in the world. As I have said, it following words of Michio Kaku may well have people in some other part of the world with no goes without saying the most heinous forms of far more sinister undertones than he realises: access to drinking water. Could this lead to a racism also originate from this group, again "Here's the irony, as machines become more world in which the colonialism of the 19th confirming the hypothesis. I believe the like humans, humans might become more like century pales into insignificance with the northern Mongoloid genotype may also be the machines and that may represent the highest differentiation of people into the techno haves latest experimental hotbed for the Greys in this level in the mastery of intelligence." and the techno have-nots?" regard. Little does MIT Computer Scientist I believe this question hits the nail on the It would seem the vanguard of the new Professor Rodney Brooks know what he is head. It is my theory that the Greys have artificial intelligence revolution is also the saying when he points out that: "We as a species through the millennia been configuring a certain vanguard of racism and disregard for the are starting to put our information processing genus of humanity who are specially designed predicament of those of a different skin colour technology inside our bodies. We're becoming a for their own purposes. This particular type of who, as Professor Greenfield points out, don't little more robotic and at the same time our human being will do their bidding with the even have clean water to drink. Thus, those who technologies are becoming more biological and planet tacitly and by default. These are the are already de-humanised seem to be those I think over the next 50 years we'll see robots colonialists of whom she speaks along with any promoting further dehumanisation. with more biological components and people notions they might have of racial purity or with more electronic components. So where are superiority. Continued on Page 41 the people gonna be and where are the robots gonna be in 50 years? It is an interesting Alien Interference in the Development question." 14 Marvin Minsky from the MIT of the Human Race NOW YOU CAN Artificial Intelligence Laboratory predicts that: "We'll replace ourselves with beings that are Let me explain: Recent research has FILE YOUR UFO like us in some respects and not in others. affirmed a spectacular fact, a fact that utterly They'll be able to learn 1,000 times faster and destroys the presumptive assumption of REPORT AT live 1,000 times longer and these little changes common racists be they neo-Nazis or the human will make such large changes that it's filth of this demeanour that covertly double for impossible to imagine what will happen." nationalists and patriots. That fact is that the