Page 12 - 201003 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - March 2010
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March 2010_june_july_2009.qxd 29/03/2010 11:52 AM Page 12 12 From The ‘X’ Zone Newsroom Stars foretell more subject taught, pros and cons, in our classrooms. “Flying Saucer” I will not go into the matter of the teaching of nonsense Kennedy assassination, except to suggest that Programme Approved Darwin and climate change Oliver Stone's conspiratorial film about it be shown in our classrooms, in the interest of being aren't the only "debates." as fair and balanced as Fox News. By Leonard Boasberg Finally, there is this matter of Einstein's theory of relativity. Do you understand the meaning of "E = mc2"? I thought not. Neither Darwin's detractors have devised what they do I. The scientists claim it's true, but why consider an intelligent design joining their should we believe scientists? Most of them doubts about evolution and global warming, believe in stuff like global warming. [] according to the New York Times. In Kentucky, for instance, a bill in the state legislature would encourage teachers to Russia's Flying Saucer discuss "the advantages and disadvantages of Aerostat Set For scientific theories," including "evolution, the origins of life, global warming, and human Production cloning." Government of Ulianovsk region In Louisiana, a 2008 law says the state recently approved the long-term project of board of education may help teachers promote flying saucer construction. "critical thinking" on all those subjects. The The project is aimed at developing and Texas state school board requires teachers to building a revolutionary transportation device – present all sides on evolution and global aerostatic thermoballasted aerial vehicle. This warming. new vehicle doesn’t depend on time of the All well and good, but not good enough. season and provides high lifting capacity, low I am in favor of critical thinking, but let's go fuel consumption, almost unlimited flying range further. Our young people are entitled to think and flight duration. The vehicle doesn’t need about the advantages and disadvantages of other airdromes and complex terrestrial controversial matters. infrastructure. Astrology, for example. According to a This project was approved by Russian recent Pew Research Center survey, 25 percent government last November. New aerial vehicle of Americans believe in astrology. is useful for military men, medics, rescuers, and Being an Aries, I am open-minded on etc. [] the subject. I do not know whether the stars can predict the future, reveal my personality, or The government of the Ulianovsk It’s a bird! It’s a plane! advise me on my love life and whether I ought Region in the Volga area has approved a five- to buy or sell securities. And I do not know if No, it’s Russia’s “flying the zodiac can explain why I burst into maniacal year program to produce so-called "flying saucer” saucers" - a bizarre hybrid of a helicopter and an laughter when I read that one out of four aerostat. Americans believes in astrology. The first such aircraft, officially named In any case, though, the fact that one out Russia has launched a program to build of four Americans believes in anything surely "aerostatic thermoballasted vehicle" or simply a powerful, multi-purpose airship that will means it's important enough that our young "Locomoskayner" after its manufacturer certainly cause many people on the ground to LocomoSky, was presented MAKS-2009 air people should be taught about its advantages show. The prototype flying saucer was seven take notice. and disadvantages. Right? meters (23 feet) in diameter and was able to The “Locomoskayner” airship takes to Which brings me to a related subject: the the air with nothing more than helium, but will controversy over whether men really landed on transport 20 kg (44.4 lbs) of cargo. also have special outfitted hot air cells to The company, however, plans to the moon. I know, I know. We have seen produce aircraft with a cargo-carrying capacity regulate its buoyancy, RIA Novosti news pictures of men allegedly walking around on the of up to 600 metric tons or a passenger capacity agency reported. moon. But how do we really know they are real? of up to 11,000 people. Propulsion of the craft is provided by I think they are real, but what I think doesn't It will be able to hover, perform a several electric motors, and small wings on the matter. What's important is that there is a periphery of its disc-shaped hull give the controversy, and our young people's minds vertical landing, move in a straight line with vehicle extra lift in flight. The aircrafts unusual speeds close to 100 kmph, turn around and will should be open to the pros and cons. need no special ground-based facilities to land. shape, which strikingly resembles an And what really happened on July 2, unidentified flying object (UFO) also gives it The flying saucer will have low fuel 1947, in Roswell, N.M.? According to consumption as compared to ordinary aircraft extra stability, and ability to resist wind currents eyewitnesses, a flying saucer crashed on the to hover for extended periods above targets on Foster ranch. An Air Force general, however, due to its aerodynamic form and will be able to the ground. transport outsized cargoes to remote and declared that the wreckage was actually that of inaccessible areas. Varying models of the Locomoskayners a weather balloon, and the government has According to the regional government's are expected to be used for the transportation of stuck to that story all these years. estimates, the project will attract over $90 people and cargo, as well as surveillance and But there is considerable literature monitoring. The largest version in the works claiming that it was in fact a flying saucer, and billion in investments. It will also create about will be able to airlift 600 tons. 800 jobs in the region and bring some $4 that the U.S. government engaged in a massive million to the budget in tax payments. The five-year project is based in the city cover-up. LocomoSky has already started to build of Ulyanovsk, some 900 km east from Moscow. And there is the related question of The project’s developer, LocomoSky, plans to whether aliens from outer space have been a production facility site in an industrial zone in generate $90 million worth of investment.[] visiting our planet, abducting people, and the area. [] carrying them off to their spaceships, where they have done unspeakable things to their Members of The ‘X’ Zone Nation in Ottawa, Ontario, bodies before returning them. Canada Don't scoff. Quite a number of people Listen to THE ‘X’ ZONE with ROB McCONNELL have testified to experiences like these - enough ON 580 CFRA that we must keep an open mind and have the
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