Page 19 - 201003 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - March 2010
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March 2010_june_july_2009.qxd 29/03/2010 11:52 AM Page 19 2012: The Nonsense of It All 19 2012: The Nonsense of It numerous predictions and loosely constructed is their near perfect discoveries about our world All speculations regarding the end of the world, as in the light of present day. Today, we are still puzzled as to how these ancient people could we know it. We also know that all of these Continued from Page 18 predictions were pure fantasy, and the have known so much, with such little to work brainchild of some very questionable people with. I will be the first to say that it is and groups all over the world. Why were these fascinating to me on just how much these In 1524, some 20,000 people panicked by predictions made by a group of London predictions made? Where did it in history, help people knew to be fact about our planet and our civilization as a whole? The answer is universe as a whole. astrologers abandoned their homes and fled to The Mayans were timekeepers. This was high ground in anticipation of a second great nowhere. This brings us to today. I wish I could their expertise and this is what they based their say that today is different. A place where all flood that was predicted to overflow from the humans as a whole have learned from off the lives upon day by day and year by year. They Thames River. In 1648 a close study of the wall speculations and weak assumptions, but used the heavens as their clocks, and gazed kabbalah, the Turkish rabbi Sabbatai Zevi nothing is farther from the truth sadly to say. towards them routinely. Based on cycles the predicted that the Messiah would make a miraculous return, and that his name would be Today we are approaching one of the most Mayans kept written record of events. They used the stars to map out timelines and monumental and radical predictions for us in Sabbatai Zevi. The year 1666 brought much history. As I write this paper, there are many important dates in time that had significance to anxiety and false predictions due mainly millions of people all over this globe that are them and their survival on earth. To know so because of the evident number 666 in the date. preparing for the final day of human existence. much, these ancient star dwellers had to spend In 1792, the Shakers predicted the end of the world, as they knew it. Throughout history The day that man was supposedly destined to countless hours studying the skies above, and meet face to face with one day, a day that has that is mainly all they did. They created many individual groups and faiths have been inscribed in the very DNA of our existence calendars of events. Throughout the years only speculated about the end of days. The Jehovah’s in this cosmos, the unavoidable end of the world a portion of the Mayan written materials have Witness group have predicted this many times. December 21, 2012, the certain day of the survived the thousands of years. The books Predictions were made in 1914, 1915, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1925, 1941, 1975, and as recent as apocalypse and the cessation of life as we know known as the Dresden Codex, the Madrid it on this earth. Codex, the Paris Codex, and the Grolier Codex 1994. In 1844 Baptist preacher William Miller The date December 21, 2012 is now have made it into modern day times. The predicted the return of Christ and the rapture in recognized as a date of some significance by all Dresden Codex also known as the Codex upstate New York on October 22 of that year. who see it, whether they buy into the Dresdenis contains a multitude of astronomical This has become known as the “Great Disappointment” in history. predictions made or not. This day, other than calculations and eclipse-prediction tables, plus being just four days prior to Christmas, has a twenty different calendars. It is this book or Some of the most memorable huge following for other reasons. It has been codex that many say has pinpointed the end of predictions of the end of the world made within postulated that this very day will be the the world. my lifetime, and that I can recall from unavoidable last day of all things that we have The galactic alignment of the sun and experience began in the year 1988. In this year there were many predictions made by many come to know on earth, and very possibly the the earth with the center of our galaxy, the last day of all mankind itself. I really can’t Milky Way, takes place on December 21, 2012, separate groups and individuals as to why the remember the first time I heard about this as does the end of the 5000-year cycle of the world would end in this year. A major book that prediction myself, but it hasn’t been too long Mayan long count calendar. This specific was written was titled “ 88 Reasons Why Christ ago. As the reader knows I write articles mainly calendar was used to record cycles, which Will Return in 1988”, by Edgar Whisenant. In 1994, Harold Camping wrote a book titled “ Are regarding the UFO phenomenon. During my repeat over and over throughout time. There are five cycles within this timeframe and four of research into this phenomenon I was inevitably You Ready?” It predicted Christ would return going to run into this event sooner or later. these have already expired. On 12-21-12, the in September 1994. Oddly enough, this same Many tie UFOs with the coming predictions of fifth one ends. These events were recorded in man has set a new date for apocalypse since his 2012, a tie I do not support in any shape form or ancient Mayan writings, and we know this first one missed its mark. The date for the doom of man has been rescheduled for October 21, fashion. To be honest, when I first saw the because we have them in our possession today. reports on 2012 I was not moved greatly at all, The Mayans kept no more writings or records 2011! neither did I have a willingness or secret desire after this date. Why? Does this represent the The year 1997 will be remembered well by many because of the extremes that were gone to join in on the festivities regarding this issue. end? Will this cause a great catastrophe and the Like many other times as stated before, people loss of nearly ninety percent of all life on earth to regarding the possible end of the world. This was the year of the comet ‘Hale-Bopp’ and it are making these predictions hand over fists, that day? Many believe it will. If the Mayans were able to record what is happening today in and I am not someone who jumps on the gave rise to many end-of-the-world theories. All ‘bandwagon’ to satisfy others. However, as our world over two thousand years ago, why of these scenarios were based on a mistaken more time passed, more and more information would they be wrong about the apocalypse observation by amateur astronomer Chuck has been brought to light on the situation, so I taking place on the recorded date? The fact is Shramek. A cult group known as the ‘Heavens Gate’ seized on these combined rumors and decided to take a cautious, yet educated and that man has no idea what the alignment will hold. It has been six thousand years since the level headed look at these predictions that have speculations as the their signal to commit mass so many in an unsettled state. last one, so no one in recorded history has a suicide in March of that year. The belief was It seems the notion that the world would definite answer, but there are many who have that a UFO was trailing the comet within its tail, end on or about December 21, 2012, only some taken this information to the edge of our and after these brainwashed people committed their own deaths, they would be taken aboard twenty-four months from now, has been existence. There are many theories of what might happen, such as a polar shift of the earth predicted by an ancient civilization, one whose this craft and be transformed immortally. This existence has been long gone. The ancient causing floods and destruction of everything, to year was also said to be the 6000th anniversary Mayans known as a people of great intellect and huge solar flares from the Sun that will leave the of creation, which was supposedly calculated by technology for their time was a civilization of earth and all that exists or dwells here to nothing Bishop Ussher who lived from 1581 to 1656. This led to mass panic near the end of this year. meticulous calculations. They were a cosmic but a smoldering cinder. Another hypothesis is that the rapture will take place on this date. As educated society to say the least. They were In 2000, many church fathers believed fluent with the understanding of the universe the time of 2012 draws closer, I am sure more that the earth would only last 6000 years. They regardless of the absence of modern day tales of unimaginable carnage will surface, no made this speculation with the six days of technology that we have today. They used the doubt. creation combined with the reading in 2 Peter 3:8 in the Bible. In September 2008 based on stars and all heavenly bodies as their guide in (Continued on Page 21) the early days of mankind. They were near certain feast days and “blood moons”, many perfect on the calculation of an earth year as predicted the apocalypse and rapture; this was well as moon phases and seasonal changes. I Visit The ‘X’ Zone Podcast Page the birth of the Y2K panic. think one of the things that has catapulted the For Those Shows You Have Missed As we have just seen, there have been Mayan knowledge into our mainstream world,