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March 2010_june_july_2009.qxd 29/03/2010 11:53 AM Page 38 38 When Technology Fails WORRIED ABOUT THE FUTURE? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! "When the grid goes down having this book with you could be the difference between life and death." —Matt Savinar, author of Life After the Oil Crash "A fascinating collection of concepts and skills that will satisfy everyone from the casual do-it-yourself enthusiast to someone who wants to attempt self-reliance and the ultimate emergency preparedness." —Howard Backer, MD, author of Wilderness First Aid: Emergency Care for Wilderness Locations and past president of the Wilderness Medical Society "A marvelous guidebook for helping us through the worst of times, and even improving on the best of times." —Thom Hartmann, syndicated radio host and author of The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight "Matthew Stein has written a clear, concise book on the subject of survival that, while educating, also does what few others have managed to do--entertain and engage the reader." —John Egan, proprietor of "Matthew Stein gives us a readable, updated wake-up call for sustainability practices in the best tradition of Paul Ehrlich, Lester Brown, and Jared Diamond." —Stephen Schneider, PhD, Melvin and Joan Lane Professor for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies at Stanford University and coordinating lead author in IPCC summary papers on climate change [NOTE: Stephen accepted the Nobel Peace Prize alongside Al Gore on behalf of the IPCC] Knowledge is power, and When Technology Fails is the “Bible” for disaster prep, self-reliance and survival combined with sustainable and healthy living. When things fall apart, whether it is a temporary glitch, or a longer term melt-down, this is the single most valuable “how-to” reference you could have on hand. Very cheap insurance for uncertain times! About Matthew Stein: Matthew Stein is an author, engineer, and licensed building contractor. As the owner of Stein Design & Construction, he has built hurricane resistant, energy efficient and environmentally friendly homes. The mechanical engineering side of his firm specializes in product design and development. Matthew Stein is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he majored in Mechanical Engineering. In recognition of his expertise, Matthew Stein has appeared on numerous radio and television programs and has been a repeat guest on many shows, including the Thom Hartmann Show, Lionel, Fox News, MSNBC and Coast-to-Coast AM. He has also written several articles on the subject of sustainable living and is a guest columnist for the Huffington Post. Matthew Stein has been an active outdoorsman since he was a small child, an extreme skier and climber (over a hundred Yosemite Valley ascents including several El Capitan and Half Dome big walls), and serves as a guide and instructor for blind skiers with the Ski for Light cross-country program. Stein currently resides with his wife Josie in the High Sierra Mountains near Lake Tahoe, California. WWW.WHENTECHFAILS.COM
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