Page 12 - 200806 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - June 2008
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12 Smithsonians Crystal Skull 12 Smithsonians Crystal Skull The Smithsonian's The Smithsonian's claimed that they were ancient.” THESE WERE THE GUESTS THESE WERE THE GUESTS A major player in the skull game, THAT WERE ON Crystal Skull Crystal Skull according to Walsh, was Frederick Arthur THAT WERE ON THE ‘X’ ZONE Mitchell-Hedges, an English stockbroker- THE ‘X’ ZONE RADIO & TV SHOW turned-adventurer who, in 1943, began RADIO & TV SHOW displaying a crystal carving that he called “The IN MAY 2008 IN MAY 2008 Skull of Doom” to his dinner-party guests. His daughter, Anna, later claimed that he had found ALEX KERSHAW - Escape From The Deep; the skull in a ruined temple in Belize during the AMIRAH - Soul Mystic; ANN BLAKLEY early 1920s. The family’s stories seemed to RICE - Daily Intentions; BERHARD HAISCH - generate the “discovery” of more skulls with The God Theory; BOB GEBELEIN - The Mental even wilder tales attached. (They had come Environment: Mostly About Mind Pollution; from the lost city of Atlantis or been left by BRIAN DAVID ANDERSEN - Earth Changes; extraterrestrials.) CHARLA WHITE & JOAN ST. JOHN - Investigations by the Linnean Society of Spirited Tours; CLIFF MICKELSON - London, a research institute specializing in Morgellons - The Fiber Disease; COLLETTE taxonomy and natural history, revealed that LAFIA - Comfort and Joy; DAVID & DIANE MARIANT - Truths and Myths About Bipolar Mitchell-Hedges actually purchased his skull at Disorder; DENNIS BALTHASER - The Roswell How the museum's quartz auction at Sotheby’s in London in 1943 for New Mexico UFO Crash; DIANE How the museum's quartz around £400, about $18,000 today. How it came MacEACHREN - Big Green Purse; DOUG cranium highlights the cranium highlights the to the auction house isn’t known. (Anna KELLEY, ParaNexus Co-Founder/Director; DR epic silliness of the new Mitchell-Hedges kept it until her death at age ALAN GREENBERG - Are Heavy Metals epic silliness of the new 100 last year; the object remains in the family.) DAN DR Health; Your Poisoning Indiana Jones movie Experts now believe that many extant crystal LIBERTHSON - Baseball & Little League Are a Indiana Jones movie skulls were made in Germany during the late Metaphor for Life; DR JAYSEN RAND - LIVE 1800s; Walsh thinks that the Smithsonian skull From The LA Book Fair - The Return of Planet-X; By Owen Edwards was carved in Mexico in the 1950s. DR MAURICE RAMIREZ - Medical By Owen Edwards By 1996, Walsh had decided to put the Emergency Teams be facing in Myanmar?; DR The crystal skull sought by Harrison skull to the test. She took it to London’s British RICHARD HAMMOND - The Unknown Ford as Indiana Jones in the latest silver-screen Museum, whose collections contain two similar Universe; DR WILLIAM SCHNEID - Serial Killers! What Makes Them? Who Are They?; DR. installment of the archaeologist’s over-the-top skulls. Margaret Sax, a materials expert there, FRED BAUGHMAN - Neurology -vs- adventures is, of course, a movie prop— used scanning electron microscopy to study tool Psychiatry; DR. JOE LOCKAVITCH - Help For masquerading as an ancient artifact from pre- marks on the skulls. In each case, she noted that Kids Who Can't Read; ELIZABETH JOYCE - Columbian Central America. (Disclosure: in my modern tools and abrasives had been employed. Psychic; ERIC ALTMAN - East Coast Bigfoot day job, I work for a magazine published by Today, the skull that launched Walsh’s sleuthing Conference; FRANK HARRITT - Diabetes; producer George Lucas’ Educational sits in a locked cabinet in her Washington, D.C. HARRY MEDVED - Fandango Filmgoers Have Foundation.) As it happens, the prop bears a office, faux and forlorn. Walsh, offering an a Jones for "Indiana"; JARI MIKKOLA - strong resemblance to scores of crystal skulls in explanation as to why many museums even ParaNexus Co-Founder/Director; JASON museum collections around the world. These today exhibit crystal skulls as authentic LEIGH - The Quest for Evidence of UFOs; JIM skulls, carved from large chunks of quartz, may Mesoamerican antiquities, describes the KOEPKE - Government Corruption; KAL well have been chiseled by descendants of artifacts as “reliable crowd pleasers.” KORFF - Kal's Korner LIVE from Prague in the Aztecs and Mayans, but they are decidedly A few years ago, another skull was sent Czech Republic; KEITH ROBINSON - Logic's End; LA MARZULLI - Politics, Prophecy and post-Columbian. to NMNH for testing. Researchers took a the Supernatural; LEE McCORMICK - Spirit Fakes are an all too real part of the sample; what had appeared to be quartz crystal Recovery Inc; LLOYD LOFTHOUSE - Are museum world. “There are always artists was found to be glass. Olympic Protesters Endangering America? ; capable of making and selling things that seem “So that [one],” says Walsh, “turned out LORNA REICHEL - Aura Imaging Specialist; old,” says anthropologist Jane MacLaren Walsh to be a fake fake.” LOU RICCIUTI - Depleted Uranium; of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural MELISSA ABRAHAM - You Only Get One History (NMNH). Walsh has seen her share of ABOUT ELIZABETH OWENS: Owen Funeral; MICHAEL STELLITANO - Your fakes. In fact, she has become something of a Edwards,who lives in San Francisco, is a Healing Hands; MICHAEL UNGAR - Too Safe specialist on the subject. “I didn’t start out as a freelance writer and author of the book Elegant for their Own Good; MICHELE CHAPUT - skeptic,” she says, “but experience has changed Solutions.[] Wellness Consultant; MIKE WOODS - Author my outlook.” and Member of Canada's Own Rock Group "Circuit."; MISS BONNIE - Psychic, Medium, In 1992, according to Walsh, the Clairvoyant; MISS ELLEN - Putting A Positive museum received an unsolicited donation of a Spin on life through the Metaphysical; MITCH larger-than-life, ten-inch-high skull carved from BATTROS - Earth Changes TV; NOLALEE milky-hued quartz. Some time later, Walsh, an SCHENK - Solar Myth; PEGGY SUE expert in Mexican archaeology, was asked to GERRON - Biddy Holly's Peggy Sue; REV. research the skull, one of several known to SHANE FLANNIGAN - Professional Deep exist. Until that point, skulls of this kind Trance Channeller; RICKY ROEHR - The typically had been attributed to ancient Raelian Movement; ROBERT W MORGAN - Mesoamerican cultures. The American Anthroplogical Research Walsh knew that if the skull proved to be Foundation; ROBIN ANTHONY - Health Expert a genuine pre-Columbian relic, it would Says Fatigue Is America's New Pandemic; SEAN FORKER - American Bigfoot Society; SIR constitute an important addition to the KNIGHT DARYL BREESE - Aliens Do Not Smithsonian collection. But she harbored Clash With Church Doctrine; TANIA doubts from the start. “After Mexican GABRIELLE - Numerology; TARA GREENE - independence,” she says, “a lot of outsiders Tarot Card Readings; TOM SMITH - Karla started coming into the country and collecting Smith Foundation; WARREN MACK - Who the historic pieces for museums.” The collectors, Hell is Ken Dahlberg?; WILLIAM J FEDERER she adds, “created a demand, and local artisans - Tyranny of the atheist minority. then created a supply. Some of the things sold to these foreigners may not have been made to intentionally deceive, but certain dealers SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE
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