Page 15 - 200901 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - January 2009
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Roswell Incident and Project Mogul 15 Roswell Incident and Project Mogul 15 Roswell Incident and explosion of Krakatoa in 1883. In one of their Roswell Incident and flights, he said the NYU crew attempted Project Mogul (without success) to detect explosions from the Project Mogul “A Realistic View” British destruction of German installations on “A Realistic View” the island of Helgoland (off the north German Continued from Page 14 coast) in April 1948. While UFO proponents Continued from Page 14 allege a lack of contemporary references to When Moore used the Weather Service "Project Mogul Balloon Flights," Moore says wind data and NYU altitude information to the project was so compartmentalized that such simulate the probable paths of the flights with references simply may not exist. Any mention recorded ground tracks (Flights 5 and 6), his of these flights will instead be labeled as NYU results agreed quite reasonably with the constant-level balloon research. measured balloon paths--Flight 5 drifted mainly Several UFO authors claim that the to the east, landing near Roswell, while Flight 6 wreckage, and possibly alien bodies as well, took a more southwesterly route. Moore then were secretly flown to Wright Field in Dayton, extended his analysis to Flight 4, the Roswell Ohio for analysis. By coincidence, Moore says candidate. He used the wind data for June 4, he and the rest of the NYU balloon crew stayed 1947, and assumed the flight reached altitudes over at Wright Field the evening of July 8, 1947, comparable to those of the subsequent two en route back to New Jersey, just as the Roswell flights (which were made with very similar story was breaking. Moore says they first balloon trains). learned of the incident while in Dayton, and Moore's analysis indicates that after figured that it was probably caused by one of Flight 4 lifted off from Alamogordo, it probably their recent polyethylene balloon flights. ascended while traveling northeast (toward The September 1994 Air Force report Arabela), then turned toward the northwest indicates that the Brazel debris also made its during its passage through the stratosphere, and way to Wright Field. During an Air Force then descended back to earth in a generally interview of Mogul participant Colonel Albert northeast direction. Moore's calculated balloon C. Trakowski, he recalled a July 1947 telephone path is quite consistent with a landing at the call from Colonel Marcellus Duffy, who was Foster ranch, approximately 85 miles northeast stationed at Wright Field and was intimately of the Alamogordo launch site and 60 miles knowledgeable about both Project Mogul and northwest of Roswell. Furthermore, the debris military weather equipment. Duffy told was strewn along the ground at a southwest-to- Trakowski that a fellow from New Mexico northeast angle (as reported by Major Jesse came to Dayton, woke him up in the middle of Marcel); this angle is entirely consistent with the night, and showed him the debris. Colonel Moore's analysis. Duffy told the fellow, "It looks like some of the Charles B. Moore has been repeatedly stuff you've been launching at Alamogordo." criticized in the UFO literature for changing What is the bottom line on the Roswell some of his earlier statements. He was Incident, NYU, and Project Mogul? In Moore's interviewed for William Moore's book on the words, "When the wind information is coupled Roswell Incident. After hearing Bill Moore's with the similarities in the debris described by description of the wreckage (including details of the eyewitnesses--the balsa sticks, the 'tinfoil,' supposed 10-inch furrows running some 500 the tape with pastel, pinkish-purple flowers, the feet), Charlie Moore responded by saying: smoky gray balloon rubber with a burnt odor, "Based on the description you gave me, I think the eyelets, the tough paper, the four-inch- that could not have been our balloon." Balloon diameter aluminum pieces and the black box--to trains like Flight 4 were far too light to make the materials used in our balloon flight trains, it large furrows in the ground. The issue is not that appears to me that it would be difficult to Charles Moore said the wreckage couldn't have exclude NYU Flight 4 as a likely source of the been a balloon--it's that he said his flights debris that W. W. Brazel found on the Foster couldn't have plowed the alleged "furrows." On ranch in 1947." [] another note, Moore and other Mogul participants originally thought the debris Brazel found must have been from one of NYU's polyethylene balloon flights from early July 1947. He held this opinion until just a couple of years ago. These large, transparent polyethylene balloons were used for the first time ever in the June and early July 1947. New York University summer of 1947 and would have looked strange Flight #4 carried three of these reflectors and even to experienced balloon watchers. before being lost was tracked to within 17 miles However, after seeing the reports and of the spot where rancher Mac Brazel later photographs from 1947 for the first time, recovered debris that prompted the famous Charles Moore realized that Flight 4 was a "Roswell Incident" case. much better candidate for the Foster ranch debris than a polyethylene balloon. So he has ----------------------- changed his opinions on the incident, but only because better data became available. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dave Thomas is a Moore's presentation included physics and mathematics graduate of New fascinating details on the background of Project Atmostpheric physicist Charles B. Moore Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, and Mogul. He noted that the discovery of the displays a radar reflector similar to those is currently a senior scientist at Quatro acoustic "duct" between the troposphere and the carried aloft on trains of balloons in Project Corporation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He stratosphere came about as a result of a World Mogul experiments he helped launch from is vice president and communications officer of War II era analysis of globally propagated Alamogordo Army Air Field in New Mexico in New Mexicans for Science and Reason. [] sound waves produced by the volcanic