Page 29 - 200901 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - January 2009
P. 29
29 UFO Disclosure Project Naive 29 UFO Disclosure Project Naive FIRST CONTACT His several books comprise an elegant "theory called the reptilian (identified as the FIRST CONTACT Gerry Zeitlin, from of everything", beginning with the dynamics of Annunaki) and that all the demonic activities Gerry Zeitlin, from the subquantum domain, showing how this recorded in the history of religions are in fact Open SETI gives an generates subatomic particles and physical those Reptilian-short Greys aliens? Do you Open SETI gives an agree with Jacques Vallee or even Nigel fields, including gravitational fields, and their interview observed characteristics and behaviors, building Kerner when he sees the E.T as non physical interview to Karmapolis about all the way to vast cosmological systems, not entities, some kind of "Godhead" trapped in to Karmapolis about a devolutional process? Or with the thesis failing to bring in human mythological systems the plausible origin of along the way. LaViolette accomplishes all this that those entities come from earth, inner the plausible origin of earth (hollow earth theory, underground with just a very few equations describing mankind subquantum dynamics. That's it! the result is civilization, bases and tunnel)? mankind There are many questions within this Continued from Page 28 breathtaking. question! People like David Icke come from an Continued from Page 28 Now, for the purposes of answering your question, I'll just say that for LaViolette, energy ordinary style of consciousness to paint a very Like Nigel Kerner (some of our isn't just "there", arising out of the mythical big spooky picture. On my own pages both in Open readers are familiar with his theory), you bang and running down ever since. Rather, it SETI and The End of Enchantment I try to seems to give a certain importance to ancient comes out of the subquantum domain constantly handle this in my own way. Yes, we have a sacred text. Can you give us some ancients and in accordance with specific principles and serious problem. texts that looks important to explain the conditions. The most important condition is the Regardless of physical heritage, of origin of man and how those old scriptures local gravitational density. The greater it is, the which I am not certain, I do think we have been can be correlated to last scientific our more energy "comes out". This "genic energy" under the direct influence of "controllers". archaeological finding? is incredibly important for understanding how Countering this is our own higher aspect, which We are still waiting for our copies of astronomical objects work. is supreme, but which leaves our incarnated part Kerner's book to arrive, so we are not yet Important for us, here and now, because, to deal and grow, or not, according to its own familiar with the texts he uses in his research. living in a galaxy as we do, we are subject to predilection and prowess. There is a game I have not read any of the original what LaViolette describes as "Galactic aspect to all of this. Yes to the concept of ancient texts, although The Book of Enoch and Superwaves" - periodic galactic core explosions "Godhead" trapped. And yes to something very The Popul Vuh are at least on my list of whose shock waves have in the past and will important going on beneath our feet. I can't be materials to study, and of course I acknowledge continue to rampage through this galaxy and all too specific; I just do not have the information. the Vedas, the Nag Hammadi texts, and other others. scriptures from diverse cultures around the Out of his theory, LaViolette lists Do you agree like John E. Mack that world. However, in terms of derivative works, I numerous predictions, which have been being the alien phenomenon is a good thing for us, might mention that The Shining Ones (Christian fulfilled one by one ever since he originally that they are in fact benevolent? and Barbara Joy O'Brien), which I am reading published. Many more have yet to be tested! I don't support that. "Benevolence", now, extensively consults several little-known You are probably waiting for me to say however, can be found on a higher level, from texts, including Kharsag Epics Nos. 1-9 (taken whether or not I think species can "evolve" which the game emerged. My conviction on that from Sumerian tablets), The Atrahasis Epic (a upwardly in such a system without the help of point makes it possible for me to sleep at night story from nineteenth century B.C.E. an outside agency. My answer to that has and to enjoy my days. Mesopotamia that includes both a creation and a perhaps not so much to do with the influx of flood account), the Askew Codex (a collection genic energy as rather with the programming in Do you agree with some theories (like of ancient Coptic documents), and the Bruce DNA, and this programming represents Kerner) that our evolution process could be Codex (another Coptic collection). information/energy from an unexpected and explain only by an Alien and intelligent As to how to correlate these with latest unknown source. This is a separate issue. We do outside manipulation (the presence of Junk archaeological findings, I can only suggest the have DNA; it does have an incredible program DNA is still a mystery)? And that the obvious: use them as suggestive guidance in in it; various other races have tinkered with it. I Darwinian voluntarily misleads us? planning research, compare findings with them, believe they too have DNA-based genetics. So Again, sadly, Kerner's book has not contemplate the meaning of discrepancies, and what do we have here? Perhaps you can tell me. arrived! But DNA developed somehow. We and so forth. In other words, consider that whoever :-) others may learn to "improve" it. But the DNA wrote them may have been recording actual itself... the question is whether or not it could human experiences. What do you think of the Disclosure Project have evolved out of simple molecules given the of Dr Greer? Jean-Pierre Petit, a French entire universe as an ensemble of possibilities, You don't seem to agree with one astrophysical scientist think that Disclosure and endless time (not just a few billion years as point of the theory of Nigel Kerner and project is a trap set by Intelligence agency to currently believed). I guess I am not ready to Michael Cremo about the devolution track the military and scientist who wanted answer that question! concept: the fact that we are in world of to tell the true, that it is in fact entropy, of more and more chaos? Can you disinformation ? (Continued on Page 31) explain how and why you don't agree with I have always thought that the this? Can you explain to us who La Violette is Disclosure Project has been based on naive and why you agree with him? expectations. Disclosure cannot be forced; those Yes, entropy perpetually increases in a who hold the information are far too powerful to closed system but the system that we take as our be pushed into doing what they do not wish to physical world is not closed. This is a very do, or saying what they do not wish to say. And important part of the world view of Paul the media will always protect them. LaViolette, whose work is highlighted and Therefore, whether or not it is a reviewed on several Open SETI pages. Readers deliberate trap is not a significant distinction. can use the website's search facility to locate the Whistle-blowers will not achieve what they key passages. desire, but they will expose themselves. In the Briefly, LaViolette is an "astrophysicist" process, they may entertain a few spectators. whose work is not in the mainstream but has turned some very important heads. I used the What do you think about the quotes because he earned his Ph.D. in systems Reptilian thesis defended by people like theory, although he has published in the field of David Icke, Branton, etc. who believed that astrophysics, and has had access to the Very all our civilization, our world and our Large Array, etc. religions are manipulated by a race of ET
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