Page 7 - 200901 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - January 2009
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7 Michelle Whitedove Predicts for ‘09 7 Michelle Whitedove Predicts for ‘09 ALIEN ABDUCTION Budd Hopkins claims he has examined such an there will only be a few choices. The same will ALIEN ABDUCTION “A Realistic View” implant and has MRIs (magnetic resonance be true with the airline industry. “A Realistic View” imaging) to prove numerous implant claims. - On investments, there is only one safe Continued From Page 6 When Nova put out an offer to abductees to investment... it’s GOLD. Don't buy into a gold Continued From Page 6 have scientists analyze and evaluate any alleged pool. Don’t invest with a company that owns It is possible, too, that abductees may be implants, they did not get a single person gold stocks. Buy only gold coin or bouillon. For describing similar hallucinations due to similar willing to have their so-called implants tested or those who cannot afford to invest, hang onto brain states, as Michael Persinger argues. verified. So, of all the evidence for abduction, your gold jewelry. Likewise, the ecstatic and contemplative the physical evidence seems to be the weakest. - Obama's presidency: I see a JFK style accounts of mystics may be similar due to assassination plot & cover up being formed to similar brain states associated with bodily take out Obama. It is a covert plan made to look detachment and a sense of transcendence. Using like the guilty are KKK, white supremacist, or electrodes to stimulate specific parts of the terrorists. But in reality it’s a set up. brain, Persinger has duplicated the feelings of - The three North American countries: the sensed presence and other experiences the US, Mexico, and Canada will merge to form associated with near-death-experiences (NDEs), a new alliance. OBEs, mystical experience and the alien - The World Economy takes its cues abduction experience. The language and from America. The 2nd Great Depression began symbols of birth, sex, and death may be nothing in 2008 on Wall Street and our fate was sealed but analogues for brain states. Shared with the ongoing crisis' of financial institutions. recollections of experiences do not prove that This depression signals a multi-year downturn the experiences were not delusions. The worldwide of international trade, factory experience which abductees think of as an alien production, home building, and unemployment. abduction experience may be due to certain - What countries will be less affected? brain states. These states may be associated with South America countries, New Zealand, sleep paralysis or other forms of sleep 2009 Psychic Predictions Australia, and Dubai. For those who have the disturbances, including mild brain seizures. opportunity, dual citizenship with a passport to Sleep paralysis occurs in the hypnagogic state By Michelle Whitedove any of these counties would be beneficial so in or the hypnopompic state. The description the coming years you can move more freely. abductees give of their experience--being The Year of the OX - Dubai will continue to grow as a man- unable to move or speak, feeling some sort of made "Golden City" for the ultra wealthy. It will presence, feeling fear and an inability to cry out- 2009 is a very important year. As a mass be by "Invitation Only" to be accepted into this -is a list of the symptoms of sleep paralysis. consciousness, we the 6 billion plus souls on guarded society. In the future, Dubai will build Sleep paralysis is thought by some to account Earth are at a critical tipping point. The big far out into the Persian Gulf and claim the land for not only many alien abduction delusions, but choices that we make need to be for the highest that they created. They were told that building also other delusions involving paranormal or good of all of humanity. We are in an age of up a city out of the ocean it could not be supernatural experiences. rapid manifestation so the choices lead to done…now that they have been successful they There are, of course, certain psychiatric quickening of consequences. will continue to build a paradise for the world’s disorders which are characterized by delusions. My friends, it’s important to keep your royalty. Many people with these disorders are treated thoughts positive, because what you think about - Israel: God will not allow the Holy with drugs which affect the production or is what you will create as your personal reality. Land to be destroyed yet there is a major event functioning of neurotransmitters. Individually, we make a difference because as a looming. People are waiting for the Messiah to The treatments are very successful in mass of group thought we will create hell on be born, but the "Savior" is not a person, it is the eliminating the delusions. Persinger has treated Earth or Paradise. Which do you choose? This is holy consciousness being born within earthly at least one person with anti-seizure medication not always an easy task to keep your focus souls. which effectively stopped her from having positive in turbulent times. - What year will we start to see an recurring experiences of the type described by If you think that the roller coaster ride of improvement? 2012 will bring the rebirth of alien abductees and those with sleep paralysis. 2008 is over, well 2009 is the year of change. At spirituality. Countless people with schizophrenia or manic- the polls, Americans shouted that they are ready depression (bi-polar disorder), when properly for change. Well hold on tight, "Change" is As the bearer of this unfortunate news, I medicated, cease having delusions about God, here! am here to tell you that it’s up to you to create Satan, the FBI, the CIA, and aliens. your personal future. Your reality will be a Even though the stories of alien FUTURE PREDICTIONS: different experience from those around you. FUTURE PREDICTIONS: abduction do not seem plausible, if there were 2009 will be a time of great change and physical evidence even the most hardened 2009-2012 will be a period of unprecedented upheaval. Change makes us uncomfortable, but skeptic would have to take notice. upheaval. getting out of our comfort zone is just what we Unfortunately, the only physical evidence that is need to do. The corrupt aspects of our world offered is insubstantial. For example, so-called - Extreme weather events and natural need to be wiped away to make room for the "ground scars" allegedly made by UFOs have disasters worldwide are on the rise for the rebirth of higher spirituality in 2012. been offered as proof that the aliens have future. I see a North American volcano erupting. In times of turmoil, focus your time and landed. However, when scientists have Mount Rainier is still on my radar. (See my attention on helping those in need. Offer your examined these sites they have found them to be future predictions printed in my 2001 book prayers, give your love freely, be of service, and quite ordinary and the "scars" to be little more "Angels are Talking"). Extraordinary weather stay connected to the Divine Intelligence for than fungus and other natural phenomena. events are on their way for the years of 2009- guidance. Material goods will come and go, but Many abductees point to various scars 2012. For the first time, humanity will witness your actions, thoughts, and deeds stay with you and "scoop marks" on their bodies as proof of Earth changes of historic proportions: major for eternity. abduction and experimentation. These marks tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes, drought, are not extraordinary in any way and could be famine, floods and raging fires will occur. With pure intent, accounted for by quite ordinary injuries and - The USA economy will collapse & the experiences. stock market will crash again. (as I predicted in Michelle Whitedove The most dramatic type of physical my 2001 book "Angels are Talking") evidence would be the "implants" which many - Banks will continue to close and the (310) 350-5370 CA (Pacific Time USA) abductees claim the aliens have put up their ones that survive will do so by merging until (954) 435-5564 FL (Eastern Time USA) noses or in various other parts of their anatomy.
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