Page 2 - TrueUniversityGuide_8-22-17_PRISMA_Neat
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    Whenever you log into TrueU (HERESTRUEU.COM), you are automatically brought to the home page.
    Like all other system pages (Learn, Share, Dialogs         and Connect), the home page is where content is
    displayed and organized. Most operational and training related materials are accessible directly from

    the home screen.

    As we continue through this guide, it will be important to understand a few commonly used terms:

    System Page/Content Page- Both system pages                 and content pages act as a home for all content.
    System pages  are accessible from the navigation bar  (detailed below). Content pages  are used to

    organize a specific theme of content and are found on the home page (Food & Beverage, Training &

    Development, Administration).

    Course- A group of Modules

    Module- A group of reference or training materials

    The Navigation Bar will always be found at the top of any page, course or module. This allows for easy
    access to the tool bar and system pages- regardless of where you are in the site. Note- If you click on

    the TrueU logo at the far left of the navigation bar, it will also bring you to the home page.

     The Home page is where all                                                                         Hourly Employees
                                                                    The Connect page
        learning and resource                                                                          will only have access
                                                                    showcases all user
      documents are accessed                                      profiles, birthdays and               to certain content
               from.                                                                                      while @work

                                                                                                 Tool Bar
         The Learn page will be                              The Dialogs page is                          Edit profile
        home to supplementary           The Share page      used to organize best                        information.
                                       allows users to post
        learning such as cooking                            practices (idea board)                     Be sure to update
              and service              about exciting in-     and TrueU related                      your profile picture!
         demonstrations, wine         restaurant news or     questions (questions
        classes and much more.           to commend              & answers)
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