Page 16 - OWLS AdvanceSheet Spring 2017
P. 16
Nominations Sought for OWLS Workplace Leader Award
Nomination Deadline Is June 2, 2017
aw as traditionally practiced has careers to become leaders in the program, policy, or project that is suc-
included barriers to the advance- profession? cessfully addressing one or more of the
Lment of lawyers who are not part • How can legal employers promote concerns outlined above. We are not
of the dominant legal culture, and has effective and reciprocal mentoring expecting to find an employer that ex-
not always been a friend to those seek- relationships? emplifies all of these virtues. We welcome
ing a healthy, balanced life. We seek to • How can legal employers value nominations from all legal employers,
encourage and celebrate change that contributions to the organization including in-house legal departments,
will eliminate those barriers and imbal- that are not captured by the government employers, and employers
ances, and we expect the profession to usual quantification tools, such as who are making strides in recruiting
be stronger as a result. billable hours? and retaining lawyers who are not part
While some legal employers agree in of the dominant legal culture, honoring
concept that such changes are needed, The Award the gifts they bring, and promoting them
many disagree on how to achieve these The Workplace Leader Award recog- for leadership.
goals. nizes an Oregon legal employer making
• What can legal employers do innovative and effective efforts to pro- Nomination Information
to attract and retain qualified mote one or more of the following values: Nominations should include: informa-
women, people of color, and • A healthy balance between work tion that will help the award committee
people from other marginalized and personal life evaluate the specific program, policy, or
communities, honor the gifts they • Acquiring and maintaining a project of the employer; the markers
bring, and promote them for diverse workforce with diverse of success for that program, policy, or
leadership? leadership project; and names of people who can
• How can alternative work • Maximizing opportunities for be contacted for further information.
configurations maximize women, people of color, and Nominations must be received via email
the experience, success, and people from other marginalized by 5 p.m. Friday, June 2, 2017. Please
satisfaction of all the players and communities to succeed in send them to Val Tomasi, OWLS Trans-
the enterprise itself? the workplace and advance formation Committee chair, at vtomasi@
• How can legal employers help to positions of influence and
employees who are caregivers, leadership
or who have other important The 2017 award recipient will be
family and personal obligations We look for a specific program, honored during the OWLS Fall CLE on
or challenges, avoid losing policy, or project Friday, October 27, at the Embassy Suites
the momentum in their legal The award will recognize a specific in downtown Portland.
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