Page 15 - OWLS Spring 2017 AdvanceSheet
P. 15

OWLS Members Lead

                 Oregon Lawyers for Good Government

                                                   By Jennifer Duncan Hackett
                  n the morning of November 9,   It has been less than five months since
                  as the country woke up to the   the election and less than 100 days since
           Oreality  of  a  Trump  presidency,   Trump’s inauguration, but OL4GG is
            Traci Feit Love started a private Facebook   already  making  its  presence  known  in
            group that began quietly and quickly   important ways. At its first all-hands
            gathering members. Originally called   meeting, OL4GG members created more
            Lawyers of the Left, and now called   than 20 “issue groups,” each of which is
            Lawyers for Good Government (L4GG),   working to partner with organizations in
            the group grew to over 125,000 attorneys   Oregon that are already focused on those
            in all 50 states and abroad in a matter of   issues. One of OL4GG’s first actions was
            days. Composed of lawyers, law students,   to write letters to the Portland’s mayor
            professors, and activists, the mission of   and police chief, in coordination with the
            L4GG  is  to promote  social  justice,  de-  ACLU of Oregon and the Portland Chap-
            mocracy, and equality in the wake of a   ter of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG),
            presidential administration that does not                                         Banafsheh Violet Nazari
            appear to promote those values.
              In November in Oregon, even before                                 •  Participating in Refugee Adjustment
            there was talk at the national level of                                Day, assisting refugees in completing
            official state L4GG chapters, Kristina                                 their paperwork to obtain their green
            Holm and Banafsheh Violet Nazari, both                                 cards.
            OWLS members, began bringing together                                •  OL4GG member Shari Gregory co-host-
            hundreds of attorneys and law students                                 ed a Toothpaste and Toiletries happy
            to talk about forming Oregon Lawyers                                   hour, which raised money and provid-
            for Good Government (OL4GG). Recog-                                    ed needed supplies for refugees in the
            nizing that many attorneys and groups                                  Portland area.
            are already doing important work in                                    OL4GG is just getting started. Its leaders
            the areas of, among others, health care,                             have met with U.S. Representative Earl
            immigration, education, civil rights,                                Blumenauer, are in ongoing discussions
            criminal justice, environmental issues,                 Kristina Holm  with his staff, and are in the process of
                                                                                 setting up meetings with other elected
                                              objecting to the tactics used by police at   officials. In the coming months, OL4GG
                                              various demonstrations and offering to   will be providing feedback on proposed
                                              start a dialogue with the Portland Police   immigration policies, police tactics, and
                                              Bureau and the mayor’s office to resolve   other  issues  as  they  arise.  The  energy,
                                              differences. Those letters led to in-person   enthusiasm, intelligence, and comradery
                                              meetings, and the discussion is ongoing.  of the OL4GG members is inspiring and
                                                Other activities supported or created   will make it possible for this work to
                                              by OL4GG members include these:    continue and to succeed, even in the face
                                              •  Mobilizing  attorneys  to  respond  to   of seemingly relentless obstacles.
                                                 Trump’s executive orders that estab-  Please contact O4LGG co-leaders
                                                 lished a “Muslim ban,” and gathering   Kristina Holm (kristina.holm@gmail.
                                                 volunteer attorneys and interpreters   com), Banafsheh Violet Nazari (violet@
                                                 to meet at the Portland and Seattle, or Jennifer Duncan Hack-
                         Jennifer Duncan Hackett
                                                 airports in order to provide repre-  ett ( if you are inter-
                                                 sentation to people being detained   ested in getting involved in the group.
            and LGBT rights, the goal of OL4GG is   because of the executive orders.
            to support the critical work the Oregon   •  Recruiting OL4GG members to become   Jennifer Duncan Hackett is a partner
            legal community is already doing, to   legal observers at protests, either with   at Zelle LLP, where she concentrates on
                                                                                 antitrust cases on behalf of plaintiffs.
            give the people doing that work extra   the ACLU of Oregon or the Portland   Also an OWLS member, she splits her
            support and resources, and to fill in the   Chapter of the NLG.      time between Hood River and her office
            gaps where needed.                                                   in Washington DC.

            OREGON WOMEN LAWYERS AdvanceSheet                 15                                          SPRING 2017
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