Page 4 - Yearbook 2019 Final quality print
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Executive Director
hen I was a young man, in my early twenties,
WI felt the urge to fight decisions made by my
seniors including my parents and teachers. I felt old
enough to make my own decisions. In retrospect, I
later realize that most of the decisions that I made
were influenced by my peers or young mentors
whom I used to admire. As a result, I made a num-
ber of mistakes which hindered my advancement in
life. Those mistakes that I made at the time taught
me very important lessons which I would like to
share with you today. One of the greatest lessons
that I learnt is that it adds a lot of value to listen and
Dr. G. M Kiruhi MBS
seek counsel from your seniors. There is wisdom in (MBCHB,MED,MBA,DMAS,FCSECSA)
a multitude of experienced counsellors. They have
valuable experience that they can share to help us
navigate through the challenges that we encounter You have learned quite a lot as a student in
when we are young and less experienced. When this college and you are now prepared for the
you imitate others, you become a poor photocopy, industry, but it is important to remember that
you deny yourself of your uniqueness and hence an you are not going to get very far in life based
opportunity to contribute positively to the world on what you already know. You are going to
through your unique gifts. Be true to yourself advance in life by what you are going to learn
instead of trying to desperately imitate. Always after you leave this college. Education does
remember that you can be successful if you work not stop after you graduate from college. It
diligently and learn from their past experiences. A does not stop even after you finish your bach-
story is told of two young fish which were swim- elors, masters or a doctorate degrees either.
ming along and they happened to meet an older The end of formal education is the beginning
fish swimming in the opposite direction. The older of informal education through the university
fish nodded at them and said “Good morning! How of life. Wisdom acquisition is a moral duty. It’s
is the water?” The two young fish continued swim- not just something you do to advance in life.
ming but after a while, one of them looked over It is a moral duty because it is only through
at the other and asked “What the hell is water?” continuous learning that we can add to the vast
This story reminds us that we often forget, or take knowledge of mankind. If we stopped learning,
for granted, the most obvious things around us. progress in all industries would stops as well.
Although it’s difficult to stay abreast of all that is Remember that life is about learning. You
happening in the world, especially when we are too have been trained to be a service oriented pro-
busy dealing with the monologue inside our head, fessional. The world is yearning for competent
it is important to learn how to think critically and people with the right character. People who
to pay attention to our environment. Our thoughts are driven by service rather than material gain
affect our realities, and the ability to choose how and personal interest. When you get out there
we “construct meaning from experience”, will and serve, you will find yourself, your purpose
determine the lenses from which we see the world and success. Remember that “success is at the
and how we react to it. Congratulation for going tip of your tail”. Just do the right thing right,
through you course successfully. the first time and always. Congratulations once
again and God bless you.
Class of 2019 | Yearbook 4 Producing competent service oriented professionals.
Yearbook 2019.indd 4 31-Oct-19 12:54:53 PM