Page 190 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 190
180 History and Science of Knots
them one tuck at a time; the changes are called tuck trans-
formations. Mandeville made many discoveries about tram-
bles, and devised shorthand symbols for describing them.
He believed that one day his tramble theories would make a
contribution to an emerging knot science.
The final chapter is on Crochet work. It has been included
in this Part because not only does it describe the techniques
and history of this popular form of textile creation, but
also it describes steps which its author and her colleagues
have taken towards establishing a system of Computer Aided
Doily Design. It is possible that their methods for generat-
ing and studying classes of doily designs will be paralleled by
others for large scale computer studies of braiding problems
in future knot science.