Page 218 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
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208                     History and Science of Knots

          survival. In order to comprehend their workings, his mind would model knot-
          ted structures by translating their relevant spatial, topological and mechanical
          properties into some kind of logical framework of the mind. We could suitably
          describe the result, achieved through the cognitive processes of transferring the
          most obvious properties of knots into a mental model, as intuitive knot theory.
          The most important aspects of intuitive knot theory, being structure and its
          transformation properties, also constitute the main ingredients of contempo-
          rary knot theory. How knots and their workings manifest themselves in the
          real world was of absolute importance to primitive Man. In many instances
          his life would literally depend on that kind of vital knowledge. Often certain
          symmetries determine a knot's ability to operate either in a desired manner or
          utterly to fail. A point in case is provided by the pair consisting of the Reef
          Knot and Thief Knot (Fig. 2) which are shown below and whose respective
          behaviour depends on subtle symmetry properties.

                              Fig. 2. A Reef Knot and a Thief Knot
              To primitive Man, the often incomprehensible and erratic workings of
          knots were attributable to Divine intervention. The mysterious workings of
          these topological machines led him to endow them with supernatural powers,
          placing them into regions of superstition and metaphysics. Such attitudes can
          still be observed today, with magic knots being found on amulets worn to
          protect, or bring luck to, the bearer. For similar reasons, knots occasionally
          were put to decorative uses, in ceremonies for the worshipping of divinities.
          They were also used for more mundane pastimes, such as in the finger games
          of cat's cradles, examples of which are to be found in many cultures. The
          mathematical prehistory terminates at different times in different places. As
          a rule, this may be said to occur as soon as artefacts, or remnants thereof, for
          the various cultures come forth.
              Knots have been used to represent numbers in different ways. One such
          numerical application of knots is found in the quipus employed by the Peruvian
          Incas, a people who used sets of knotted strings for administrative purposes
          during the better part of a thousand years [11], [53]. The knots themselves
          functioned only as symbolic and mnemonic devices; but their arrangements
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