Page 224 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 224

214 History and Science of Knots

          him to introduce the concept of handedness for an oriented crossing (Fig. 6).
          To each type he assigned a certain symbol distribution consisting of 8s and
          As. This is illustrated below. The orientation becomes insignificant after the
          regions have been assigned a type.
              From some simple experiments with two- and three-stranded braids and
          their closures, he came to consider the possibility of listing and classifying all
          knot projections having fewer than seven crossing points.
              Listing was the first to persist in representing knots as knotted circles, and
          obtaining diagrams by projecting these onto a plane. By attaching symbols to
          the crossings in a diagram, to indicate their types, and considering the resulting
          symbol distribution in each of the diagram's regions, he was able to propose an
          `invariant' for a knot. In general an invariant is a mathematical expression (it
          may be just a number) which carries information about a system, and whose
          values do not change when the system is transformed in some defined way.
          An invariant in knot theory is generally an expression derived from a knot
          diagram which depends solely on the knot or link under consideration, in any
          of its forms, and not on any particular picture of them. The easiest invariant
          to visualize, but one which is not very useful for distinguishing between knots,
          is the number of components in an n-link L. By definition it equals n, and
          remains so whatever continuous deformations L is subjected to.
              Invariants are useful aids in the classification of knots for the following
          reason. Suppose we compute the value of a particular invariant from two knot
          diagrams, and obtain two different values. Then we can conclude that the
          two knot forms from which the diagrams were obtained are different knots.
          However, the converse is not true; diagrams having the same invariant value
          may or may not come from the same knot. A perfect knot invariant, which
          always takes the same value for any particular knot, and a different value for
          any other knot, has yet to be discovered.
              Listing concocted his invariant as follows. He called a region of a knot
          diagram monotypical if all the angles on the region's boundary had been as-
          signed the same type-symbol (that is, were all S or all A); in which case, the
          region was itself given the same type-symbol. If a mixture of 6s and As had
          occurred, he called the region amphitypical. In this way, Listing typified each
          region, including the unbounded one (which he called the amplexum).
              He defined a diagram to be in reduced form if it had a minimal number of
          crossings, over all possible diagrams obtainable from the knot. He knew that if
          one or more regions were amphitypical in a diagram, then the diagram would
          not necessarily be in reduced form; but he gave no methods for reducing the
          numbers of crossings in such diagrams.
              He proposed an invariant for knots which have a monotypical diagram in
          reduced form; and he gave it the name Complexions-Symbol. Later, we shall
          give an example which shows that it is not a true invariant.
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