Page 238 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
P. 238

228                     History and Science of Knots

              These yield the following presentation for the fundamental group of the
          Trefoil Knot:

                    (C1, C2, C3, C4 : C1 C2 C3 1 = C1 C3 1 C4 = C2 C4C3 1 = 1)
              In fact, this is not the most economical presentation possible: using Tietze
          operations we can reduce the number of generators to 2, and the number of
          relations to 1, thus:

                                (Cl, C2 : C1C2C1 = C2C1C2)
              Wirtinger's presentation is derived in similar fashion , but with generators
          being associated with overpass arcs, rather than with regions (see [25] for
          details). The end-result is, of course, the same.
              Further contributions by Dehn are described in the next section on Alexan-
          der's work.

          8. James Alexander 's Influence

          Applications of the fundamental group quickly yielded several breakthroughs.
          Proofs of the existence of non-trivial knots, via knot groups, had already been
          given by Tietze as early as 1906. However, the first successes from use of the
          knot group lay 'in the verification of the correctness of the knot tables. To
          achieve this, the group was used with other tools which Henri Poincare and
          Enrico Betti had introduced. The proof that Betti numbers and torsion coef-
          ficients define combinatorial knot-invariants was first given by James Waddel
          Alexander (1888-1971), a professor of mathematics at Princeton University
          and later at the Institute for Advanced Studies. Collaborating with G. B.
          Briggs and using the torsion numbers, he distinguished all tabled knots up to
          8 crossings and all, except three pairs, up to 9 crossings [7]. Alexander also
          showed that two 3-dimensional manifolds may have the same Betti numbers,
          torsion coefficients and fundamental group and yet not be homeomorphic. His
          example, of course, involved knot complements. Thus he had shown that a
          knot contains (at least a priori) more information than just its group.
              With the tools just introduced, Dehn proved that an arbitrary knot K, its
          mirror image K*, and its version with reversed orientation K, produce three
          knot-complement groups which are mutually isomorphic. (Later Reidemeister
          also proved this, more rigorously.) Using ir1 to denote a knot-complement
          group, this theorem is stated as follows:
                      ir1(R3                        ir1(R3
                            - K, p) - ir1(R'3 - K*, p) -  - K, p)
          It was thus realized that the complement alone could not provide complete
          invariants. The situation was repaired by equipping the complement with an
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