Page 245 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
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A History of Topological Knot Theory          235

        alized knot theory included classification of knots with respect to isotopy. A
        difficulty was that the construction of these knots could not be visualized by
        simple-minded drawings of knot projections. Classification, and hence finding
        invariants, had therefore to be coupled to construction methods, showing how
        the invariants were realizable.
            The more formal demands on smoothness of mappings brought in the
        notions of tame and wild knots. A knot is tame if it is equivalent to some
        polygonal knot; otherwise it is wild.  The distinction was of vital importance;
        the principal invariants of knot type, namely the elementary ideals and the
        knot polynomials, were not necessarily defined for a wild knot. Knot theory
        was largely confined to the study of polygonal knots, and it was natural to
        ask what kinds of knot other than these were tame. An early theorem, and
        partial answer to this question was: If a knot parametrized by arc length is
        continuously differentiable, then it is tame.
            There are infinite classes of wild knots, and their study forms a field of
        its own within the topological theory of knots.

        11. John Conway's Tangling

        As we have seen above, the problem of distinguishing knot-types for given
        numbers n of crossings, and tabulating them, was first tackled by the three
        men Tait, Kirkman and Little, in the final fifteen years of the 19th century.
        They succeeded in resolving the problem, by largely empirical methods, for
        n = 3, ... ., 1and for most of the alternating knots on 11 crossings.
            There the matter rested for some seventy years, until John Horton Conway
        devised entirely new methods for studying knots, based on a construct called
        a tangle. Essentially, a tangle is a portion of a knot-diagram from which a
        number, usually four, free-end strands emanate; an example (Fig. 17) is given

                           Fig. 17. An example of a Conway tangle
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