Page 260 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
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250                     History and Science of Knots

          structures describing symmetry properties encountered in solvable statistical
          models. However, they have not much to do with quantum mechanics, and
          are not groups either! Drinfel'd, who introduced the term quantum group,
          defined the structure as a Hopf algebra, essentially a bialgebra with an an-
          tipode. Quantum groups constitute an exciting generalization of the concept
          of symmetry. In this context, the parametrised YBE becomes the Quantum
          YBE (i.e. QYBE).
              The invariants from the quantum group setting are polynomials. They
          are gathered under the heading quantum invariants, also called generalized
          Jones invariants. Since transfer matrices satisfy the YBE if and only if they
          are a representation for Bn, every quantum invariant is obtained from a trace
          function on an R-matrix representation for B.
              The renaissance in the interactions between between physics and knot
          theory (recall Gauss's use of properties of knots in the solution of an electro-
          magnetic problem, and Thompson's plans to describe chemistry in terms of
          knots) was due to statistical mechanics studies. But nowadays there are at
          least three other, different, ways in which physics and knot theory are related.
          Not only is there topological quantum field theory, but the theory of quantum
          invariants has also proved to be closely related to conformal field theories.
          In this connection one should mention Edward Witten's papers [96], where
          it is shown that Jones' polynomial and its generalizations are related to the
          topological Chern Simons actions.
              So, order is emerging from chaos, and new results are being achieved con-
          tinuously. The order appears to be part of an even larger order, which involves
          the physics of conformal field theory, and leads to further invariants, now in
          arbitrary 3-manifolds. As we have seen, the theory of R-matrices gives a sys-
          tematic description for the quantum invariants. It has been known for a long
          time that any compact orientable 3-manifold arises (up to PL-homeomorphism
          or diffeomorphism, depending on the choice of category) as the boundary of
          a 4-manifold M, where M is obtained by attaching 2-handles to the 4-ball,
          along some framed link in S3, i.e. by surgery along framed links. Lickorish
          and Wallace proved this at the beginning of the 1960s [61], [92]. One can think
          of framing as the thickening of the knot into a ribbon-like object. Any closed
          oriented 3-manifold may thus be obtained by performing surgery along differ-
          ent framed links in the 3-sphere. This yields an equivalence relation on framed
          links. Robion Kirby proposed a set of moves which generated this equivalence
          relation [55]. Roger Fenn and Colin Rourke simplified them. Their moves may
          be described by means of tangle generators [33]. By using Kirby, Fenn and
          Rourke calculus, Nicolai Reshetikhin and Vladimir Turaev in 1991 defined 3-
          manifold invariants using the theory of quantum groups. They produced new
          3-manifold invariants, which can be defined from any simple Lie algebra, pro-
          vided the associated quantum groups have the structure of a finite dimensional
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