Page 80 - J. C. Turner "History and Science of Knots"
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68 History and Science of Knots
1. C. W. Ashley, The Ashley Book of Knots (Doubleday, New York, 1944).
2. J. F. Borghouts, The magical texts of papyrus Leiden 1348 ((OMROLI)
Leiden: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, 1971).
3. H. Carter and A.C. Mace, The Tomb of Tut.Ankh.Amen, 3 Volumes
4. C. L. Day, Quipus and witches' knots (Lawrence, 1967).
5. O. Erman, Zauberspriiche fur Mutter and Kind (1901).
6. R. Germer, Flora des pharaonischen Agypten (Philipp von Zabern:
Mainz am Rhein, 1985).
7. H. Grapow, and W. Westendorff, Grundriss der Medizin der alien
Agypter IV (Berlin, 1958).
8. S. E. Sidebotham and W.Z. Wendrich, Berenike 1994 (Leiden: Centre
of Non-Western Studies, 1994).
9. E. Teeter, `Techniques and Terminology of Rope-making in Ancient
Egypt', Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 73, (1987) 71-77.
10. W. Z. Wendrich, `Preliminary Report on the Amarna basketry and
Cordage', B.J. Kemp et al., Amarna Reports V, 169-201, (London:
Egypt Exploration Society, 1989).
11. W. Z. Wendrich, Who is Afraid of Basketry?; A guide to recording bas-
ketry and cordage for archaeologists and ethnographers (Leiden: Centre
of Non-Western Studies, 1991).
12. W. Z. Wendrich, The World According to Basketry; analysis and inter-
pretation of Egyptian archaeological and ethnographic basketry (with
a 60 minutes video of present day Egyptian basket makers) (Leiden:
Centre of Non-Western Studies, in press).
13. W. Z. Wendrich and W. J. Van Neer, `Fish and fishing gear at the
Roman fort of Abu Sha'ar (Red Sea coast, Egypt)' Proceedings of the
Workgroup for Fish Remains, Leuven 1993 (in press).