Page 20 - Reinforcement & Feedback Module
P. 20

   Applying reinforcement effectively
 ❖ Every athlete is unique so they may respond differently to different reinforcers
❖ Body language should support the verbal reinforcement – athletes will notice if it does not.
❖ If you punish, move on from it immediately “let them out of the dog house”
❖ Try to be fair and consistent
❖ Always ask yourself if the reinforcement will achieve its aim
❖ Provide feedback quickly and frequently when skills are being learned, and less frequently when
skills are learned
❖ Use a variety of positive reinforcers, like visible rewards (T shirts, medals), activity rewards
(playing time) and people orientated rewards (praise and recognition).
❖ If negatively reinforcing or applying sanctions to behaviour, take your emotion out of the act. Let
negative emotions settle before deciding on any sanction

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