Page 18 - Reinforcement & Feedback Module
P. 18

   More Principles of Reinforcement
􏰀 Have as few rules as possible so you can coach skills and tactics more than apply rules
􏰀 Apply negative sanctions appropriately. If you are not sure what sanction to use, tell
the athlete you need to think about it before you decide
􏰀 Once the undesirable behaviour has been sanctioned, do not hold it over the athlete and resume normal status quo.
􏰀 Where possible positively reinforce good decisions regardless of outcome and negatively reinforce bad decisions regardless of outcome
􏰀 Avoid physical exercises as a form of punishment in particular with youth athletes. If using with adults, then use only to make the point rather than to fatigue the athlete (5 star jumps can make a better point that 20 push-ups if the rationale is expressed effectively).

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