Page 2 - Our Coffin Brochure
P. 2

S              howcased in this brochure is our

                                                                                                                                                                                         range of coffins, caskets and scatter

                                                                                                                                                                           tubes, but please remember, any of our designs can be
               Testimonials                                                                                                                                                modified or changed, and, if you don’t see anything

                                                                                                                                                                           suitable here we can arrange for a completely bespoke
               "I have been asked by everyone who
                                                                                                                                           Nick Armstrong                  All of our coffins are approved for burial and cremation
               attended mum’s funeral to thank you for
                                                                                                                                           Managing Director
               everything that you and your company have                                                                                                                   and at most natural burial grounds, these are sourced
               done. No other company could have done a                                                                                                                    from FSC-accredited companies using wood from
               better job."                                                                                                                                                sustainable sources.

               "Once again, thank you to all at Armstrongs                                                                                                                 Our ‘Colourful Coffin’ range are printed onto an
               for taking charge of a sad event and turning                                                                                                                environmentally-friendly paper wrap, which is then
               it into a heartwarming occasion. It wouldn’t                                                                                                                applied by hand to ensure the highest level of quality

               have been possible without your sensitivity
                                                                                                                                                                           and craftsmanship. We also have the ‘Eco-coffin’ range
               and hard work."
                                                                                                                                                                           which includes bamboo, banana, willow, pandanus and

               "The service has been very personal, we felt                                                                                                                pine, each one of which has strong eco-credentials.
               that you only had our funeral to arrange and
               whenever we popped in, someone was
               always there to greet us with a smile and to
               offer support, which was much appreciated
               at such a difficult time. She would have been

               so pleased that you arranged everything to

               "From the moment you took mum into your
               care until her final moment at the service we
               have all been treated with the utmost
               sympathy, compassion and care by you all –

               nothing was too much trouble."

               "It is an over-used phrase, but I really don’t
               think we could have done it without you."
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