Page 23 - Vinscientiana2019s
P. 23

Feast day  of

 Our Lady of the   Miraculous Medal


 The  Vincentian  family was   Papag, SVST school publication.
 on full blast during the feast   In addition, we also had a
 of Our Lady of the Miraculous   Marian story making contest
 Medal which was celebrated   which was basically an essay
 on 27th day of November 2018.   about their encounter with
 The day after was the feast day   Mother Mary on their journey
 of St. Catherine Laboure, DC.   as seminarians. The contest
 Needless to say, the community   was won by Sem. Marvin
 of the Daughters of Charity   Manimtim. The awarding of
 were very busy during those   both contests came late due
 times, taking into account   to prior commitment and
 that they were the front liners   schedules. Nonetheless, the
 in promoting the Miraculous   awarding paved the way to
 Medal. Likewise, the Miraculous   recognize and hone talents of
 Medal apostolate was busy   the SVS seminarians.

 distributing medals, religious
 items and pamphlets as a way of   the three apparitions of the   And of course, we will never
 commitment in spreading the   blessed Virgin to St. Catherine  forget the highlight of our
 Miraculous Medal devotion.    Laboure and the wide variety of  celebration where we had our
 the collection of the medals.   daily Novena Masses in honor of
 In line with this, the Vincentian   Our Lady of Miraculous Medal
 Seminarians  conducted  On the other hand, we had   at Santuario of San Vicente De
 activities in solidarity with our   a Poem to Mary contest which   Paul.  The  whole  big  event  was
 grand Marian devotion and   was displayed to the public,   culminated by a procession
 festive celebration, wherein we   inside the Santuario Parish   from Santuario to Tandang
 had our humble yet productive   and later in SVS hallway. The   Sora Market and back to the
 activities. Spearheaded by the   judging  process was for  the   seminary.
 Spiritual Ministry,  we had a   public to cast their votes by
 week long Marian Exhibit which   giving some amount of money
 was also in line with the mission   to their chosen piece which they
 of the Congregation to spread   think were the best. At the end,
 and promote devotion to our   the one which gained the largest
 Lady of the Miraculous Medal.   amount wins. The winner for
 Despite the limited resources,   the poem to Mary contest was
 they were able to provide and   Sem. Orlando Estor. Likewise a
 display  exquisite  painting  special award was given to Sem.
 collections of Our Lady, and   Bernard Balberan whose entry
 masterpieces for  the image of   was entitled to be featured in

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