Page 3 - Newsfeed October 2024
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           4   媒体报道 MEDIA REPORTS

             2024年马佛青国州联席会议 YBAM National-States Joint Meeting 2024

             国庆献词 马佛青总会长杨桂荣:扩大格局走向世界
             National Day Speech YBAM President Yong Kuei Yoong: Widen Perspectives and Go to the World

             砂拉越州联委会“青春变形记”性教育讲座 Sarawak State Liaison Comittee Sex Education talk

             中华佛教青年会35周年庆典 35th Anniversary Celebration of Chinese Young Buddhist Association

             2024年护法行“一步一愿行” Dharma Walk 2024  'Strive On With Every Step’

              'Step Out, Get Moving’ Secondary School Students’ Dharma
             Learning Camp – The Grand Gathering

             Negeri Sembilan State Liaison Committee
              ‘Leverage of Lifestyle through Buddhism’ Talk Series

             马佛青反对强制申请清真认证 “用伊教条约束非穆不公平”
             YBAM Opposes Mandatory Application for Halal Certification
             'It is Unfair to Use Islamic Principles to Restrict Non-Muslims’

             YBAM's Visit to Tzu Chi Hospital and Jingsi Hall in New Taipei City

             马佛青“大专新鲜人” 线上提供升学资讯
             YBAM BUMY Freshman Project Provides Information on Entering the University
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